Zoo - Lion Cubs Attack ;)


TPF Noob!
Jan 7, 2008
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Fort Worth, TX
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(Note: I still need to make some minor color adjustments and noise reduction, but my home computer is being rebuilt (*groan*) so these were processed with my crappy work computer.)

This past Sunday, I decided to make my first visit of the year to see how the little cubs were doing (this was my second visit to see them). The tiger cubs are getting really big, but were unfortunately sleeping in a location that I couldn't take any pictures, but I did get plenty of opportunity to see the lion cubs. The first visit, they were a little sleepy except for one little trouble maker, but the second visit was hilarious. They were ganging up on mom :) They act just like every other cat, crouching down with their tails in the air and "springing" on their "prey". Momma Lion is still very protective. She keeps an eye on everyone in the crowd (and seems to zoom in on those with bigger lenses, as I have seen with other photographers around). Enjoy!

Oh, there are 4 lion cubs and 3 tiger cubs at our zoo.

The cubs are just laying around enjoying the afternoon sun....


When, this little guy starting looking around and decided to go hunting...


Ok, that was fun for a few minutes, but Mom really shouldn't be laying around. She should be playing with me!




Then, Mom gets annoyed with the kids, so she decides to take a walk and check out all the people.

When out of nowhere (Ok we saw him getting ready to attack)... this little one leaped on her back...


Finally, Mom had it. She chased the youngster up the tree... I love his face in this one, he just looks so mischievous!

And, just for grins, I like to think this is dad next door, while mom is dealing with the kids...
That is a very nice series.. Aha is awesome!!
Thanks everyone :) They are a real hoot to watch. This is one time it would have been fun to video them, but it was also a good experience to try to capture the motion in a still print.
Beautiful series Lyncca! It's hard to choose a favorite ;) I love "big cats" and I'm amazed by how you captured their natural behavior! I also like the surroundings and the way the photos are composed. They're really sharp! What lens did you use?
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Beautiful series Lyncca! It's hard to choose a favorite ;) I love "big cats" and I'm amazed by how you captured their natural behavior! I also like the surroundings and the way the photos are composed. They're really sharp! What lens did you use?

Thank you :hug:: They were just shot with my 70-300 VR, VR on, handheld at 1250 iso to keep the shutter speed over 300, and lowest aperture possible to allow for the most light.

They are in a pretty shaded area, which is nice to avoid the harsh sun, but also makes it hard with a slow lens such as mine, but I have learned its weaknesses and can generally compensate accordingly.
Awesome series, Lyncca!!!! Awesome... these are beautiful images of those cute little guys. I've been there twice and both times they decided it was better to sleep than play.
Awesome series, Lyncca!!!! Awesome... these are beautiful images of those cute little guys. I've been there twice and both times they decided it was better to sleep than play.

Thank you :) The first time I visited in late summer, they were also sleeping. I returned this time and the same thing, so I decided to wait until later in the day to hopefully get past their lazy cat naps and that did the trick!
What an enjoyable series!! Love it. You've really captured the playful nature of the cubs
Love this!!! very nice :)

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