4 shots, nsfw . . . but no outright nudity

dang!!!! if i could rename the thread i would change it to "progression of confidence"
Can I ask how you got the skin so smooth in the last photo? Was that post production(technique if you don't mind sharing?), make up, or flawless skin?
you may ask!

and the answer is: a combination of those things (some of them at least)

lit with a ringlight, which helps a ton, good skin, makeup, then finally a very very slight softening filter in photoshop. so slight though that it only lessens the amount of reflected shine on her skin. in fact the difference might be negligable to some people
the filter was in a rangefinder a while back, in the ps tutorial. . . its worth looking up
I like #1. Her eyes are fantastic. However, something seems uneven. I think it may be that her ah.. upper parts are not sitting evenly. One seems to be off to the side.
#4 is my fav. I like her expression.
lol, correct . . . thats a reminder that they are real right? now i wish i had had her straighten up, but oh well, i still like it . . . even though its uneven.

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