94 year old neighbor


TPF Noob!
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern Montana
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
This is my first photo post here. This is our 94 year old neighbor Bill. I was out shooting at the local lake one afternoon and came home to see that he had taken a break in a most unusual way. This is approx. the 500th picture I have ever taken since owning a DSLR and the first one I was happy with.

Two things I would like to say personally about the photo
1- i would have preferred a more head on shot, but the background wouldn't have been appealing at all.

2- i tried a crop, but felt the wheelbarrow was essential to the photo.

Please let me know what you think and anything I could have done better.

Thanks folks,

I love it. I actually disagree with your two points :) I almost wish there was a little bit more contrast in his face actually. Otherwise looks like a wonderful shot to me!
Thanks Brittany. Like I said, it is the first photo I have been happy with. I am not only just learning photography, but also PS Elements 6 as well. I have stacks of books yet to read...


Thanks Onion. Here are a couple of crops I tried.


Im going to say i like the original the best, or the final crop. Awesome picture man
i think the picture is great and it made me smile :D
I wish i can capture something like that. Its genuine and thats what makes it great.
Oh I love it. I'm glad you did not go for a head on shot, the side angle tells the picture completely.
I also like the original picture better than the two crops. If anything, crop a bit from the right hand side, leave the left alone.
I saw this yesterday and absolutely can't stop thinking about it.. what an awesome photo. If ANYTHING, I would crop it just a little to level it out (not much! just rotate it)...looks like the camera was tilted a bit. That's an INCREDIBLE photo!
It is a moment in time!
Very nice. As with the other comments, your original shot is certainly the best and a head-on shot just wouldn't be the same.

The only crop I would suggest would be to make the gap between the right edge of the image and the edge of the man the same width as the gap between the left of the image and the left of the wheel barrow.
Good photography, but it has me wondering how old the wheelbarrow is.

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