An Interview with a Mod : Photogoddess


instigator of pottymouthedness
May 25, 2003
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Interviewee: Tammy AKA Photogoddess


Photogoddess, how did you come across TPF and what drew you in at first?

I was looking for a photo club in my area with a google search because I thought it would be nice to have some other people to go on photo jaunts with. One of the first that popped up was TPF. I lurked for about a day but I was impressed by some of the work posted and the great spirit here so I joined.

Tell us about the love of your life.

My hubby John and my kids are the loves of my life. John and I have been together since I was 15 years old. We broke up for a period of time, ended up with other people, had children and ended up back together. We've been back together for over 12 years. Silly smile My kids are also loves of my life because I would give my life for them. They are 4 of the most wonderful people that I know.

What is more important: chocolate, alcohol or shopping?

Hmmmmm that's a tough one. I'm not a big drinker and I hate to shop. Out of the three... probably chocolate. But it would have to be Godiva Chocolate Raspberry Truffle ice cream. I only eat it once a year but it is the best.

Is there any great burning issue that really makes your blood boil?

Insensitivity, ignorance and lack of care. I always try to treat people better than I would like to be treated. I am always amazed at how little some people care about the world and the people around them. Life is too short to be petty and mean. The world would be such a wonderful place if people simply cared and acted accordingly.

Where do you hope to be in 5 years time?

I'd like to have my business better established so that I can travel more often and work on my photography skills.

Which 3 TPF members would you like to spend the day with?

Matt because he's so fun and has really been taking some outstanding photos lately. DigitalMatt because he puts so much thought into his photos. And Alison because our styles are so similar. I just have a feeling that shooting a portrait or wedding with her would be a fantastic experience.

If you weren't a photographer, what would you be?

I can't imagine not being a photographer. I got my first camera for my 8th birthday and I was hooked instantly. I still have that camera too. I got burned out a few years back and stopped taking photos. I worked in a studio and ran the lab (plus organizing yearbooks and portrait packages) all for $8.06 an hour. Constantly being broke and going hungry made me hate it. It didn't take long to pick it back up since I felt like part of me was missing. Now I shoot what I want, when I want. If a job doesn't make me happy, I don't take it.

Interviewed by Amanda
Thanks Tammy girl! :love:
Another awesome interview. Tammy, it's like you are the person we already thought you were. No hiding it there. ;) And you do know you don't get one of us without the other. :D
Kinda weird, I got my first camera when I was 8, too! It's a hot pink 110 camera, and I still have it somewhere! I should buy a roll of 110 and see if it still works...
Great interview and Idon't think I've seen that photo of you before, it's great!

I am guessing you and I will have some fun shooting time in JT. And, we might bring Hobbes along, he's great and carrying my gear ;)
manda said:
Is there any great burning issue that really makes your blood boil?

Insensitivity, ignorance and lack of care. I always try to treat people better than I would like to be treated. I am always amazed at how little some people care about the world and the people around them. Life is too short to be petty and mean. The world would be such a wonderful place if people simply cared and acted accordingly.

I couldn't agree more :)

Great interview.

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