Any athlete tries Cyrotheraphy?


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Feb 17, 2012
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San Jose, Cali, The Heart of Silicon Valley
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There are few clinics near me. I'm debating if I want to try it out. It seems kinda scary and very expensive. It is very controversial method to rejuvenate your body. What do you think?

No clear scientific evidence for the supposed benefits, and not approved by FDA. It could still prove to have some benefits, but my money is on its being total hokum. There are cheaper and safer placebos.
I'm not an athlete, but I've tried it.

A local vendor had a special price for first-timers, so wifey and I both went for it.

No need to be afraid, because if you can't take three minutes, the operator is right there and will stop the cold immediately.

The only thing that hurt a bit was the skin on my thighs. But only a bit. Not bad.

I don't know how it would be for long-term use because we only went one time, but I think it would be an excellent conditioning method just before going skiing. After being in temps of -178 F for a few minutes, I laughed at the "ordinary zero" temps of Iowa winter. I think I'll do that again before going skiing.
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Haha what bullshit will they dream up next to take money from suckers?

That said you want some cryotherapy come visit me in January and I'll have you out shoveling driveways and stacking wood. Only $56k per session. Shovel not provided.
Well then, next winter if Runnah is shoveling naked, somebody take pictures. Any of the women of TPF live nearby??

Wasn't this a Star Trek episode?

Why would you need to be rejuvenated when you're young? Go enjoy life.
Well then, next winter if Runnah is shoveling naked, somebody take pictures. Any of the women of TPF live nearby?

Not sure if taking nudes in the snow is very flattering for the ole chap if you get my drift.
I guess us gals of TPF will take what we can get.

On second thought, none of us are that desperate...
I guess us gals of TPF will take what we can get.

On second thought, none of us are that desperate...

don't be so hasty. I've often been described as an adonis.
Football players commonly soak in tubes of ice water with tons of ice.
You may want to try the same, except maybe add a few cubes of dry ice. It'll make a nice fog too
j/k DO NOT do that ...
Football players commonly soak in tubes of ice water with tons of ice.
You may want to try the same, except maybe add a few cubes of dry ice. It'll make a nice fog too
j/k DO NOT do that ...

I'll do the same but normally its in a glass and along with the ice there is some gin and tonic.

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