Assignment Suggestions

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The time limit is simply so that we can start new assignments for the next week. Feel free to post pics even in the old threads, just try and make sure they are current pics if possible :) I'm not sure what you mean by easy to get to though...for instance the current assignment can all be done from your home,school,workplace, pretty much wherever your creativity leads.

Thanks for the interest and I hope you can participate even with the limits. The assignments are there to get you to go out and shoot and learn new things while you're shooting...
Well when i said time limit i meant something like during the day...I can't get a hold of a good camera at 9PM x_x;; And point and shoot cameras don't look so professional...I guess i'll give it a try. :blushing:
Point and shoot will work just fine :) Lots of folks use's what you do with them that counts ;)
I thought I would paste these in here as well, these were submitted by KSMattfish earlier when we did the first assignment:
short DOF: wide aperture

long DOF: narrow aperture

freeze action: fast shutter speed

blur: slow shutter speed

3 times of day: the exact same composition, but taken in 3 different lighting situations

fill the frame: subject must be composed so that it intersects with at least 3 sides of the image frame

triptych: 3 photos shot with the intention of being displayed together

3 focal lengths: take three photos with three different focal lengths (preferably wide, normal, and long), attempt to keep the composition as similar as possible in each photo

Feel free to continue to add to the list of ideas, they don't have to be technical but can be ;)

Some ideas from me...

At work
At play
At rest

Man vs Machine
Your home town

I'll think of more later...I really need to get some of my photos uploaded, cuz I did some for a couple of the assignements, but haven't gotten em on here yet! I shot em like, 2 weeks ago...god I'm slow!
After looking at the picasso pictures in the photo Q&A section, I was wondering if we could do a "copy a famous photograph(er)" theme for a week.
Of course!!! That's a great idea hobbes :) It will be next weeks for sure :)
Hey amanda, do you reckon it'd be alright to have a sticky or something listing all of the past weekly assignments? Or could you put the assignment in the actual title of the thread instead of inside it... you know something like they do for the Competition thread titles would be great!!

It's just that I was trying to come up with some ideas for the challenges but I couldn't remember what had already been done.

Thanks a million!
No problem Vicky...I was thinking it was going to get obnoxious soon :lol:

I'll start putting the title in the assignment, along with the number so we still no which is newest :)
How about "Bad Composition"?

Deliberately composing the shot from what you know to be opposite to what makes a well composed photograph!

Should highlight what does and doesn't work and what to avoid in certain situations?
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