Awe geez!


TPF Noob!
Nov 27, 2006
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I need help! I have photoshop elements6. Everthing was fine until one day I was messing with my color settings and I changed it to be best for printing as before that is had been set to best for computer monitor viewing or something like that.
Well I immediately notices that something was wrong because in the program it looks nice and colorful but when i shared on yahoo or uploaded my image to flickr it looks very pale or desaturated and whatever. Meanwhile in printing before I changed my setting it looked just fine so why would I bother it?
So I changed it back and now it's still doing that! I cant even post pics on here or flickr or anywhere because they look bland or something.
Anyone know how to fix this? I should have left that alone I guess. lol
Convert the color profiles of your pics to sRGB. In photoshop that should be Edit>Convert to profile>sRGB.

If that doesn't work I'm not sure what to tell you.
I will try that thank you ;)

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