Basic Photgraphy Question

sergio Bocha

TPF Noob!
Jul 25, 2009
Reaction score
hong kong
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
hi can anyone help me!!!
I have a canon rebel xs... every time I gonna open RAW files with Photoshop cs4 extend.
it's change the color of the pic?
make it more light.
please? anyone know how can i fix it?
it's change the color of the pic?
make it more light...

To start with, you are completely wrong in stating that PS/CS4+ACR changes the color or brightness of a RAW image. What you are seeing is a difference in RAW conversion between the RAW-to-JPEG conversion software (actually firmware) built into your camera and that used by PS/CS4, its ACR plugin. Much of the difference is merely the default settings use by each.

Digital camera's only shoot RAW, period. The RAW vs JPEG setting on you camere does not change this. What it changes is whether the camera saves that original RAW image or whether it uses its own conversion software to convert it to a JPEG before saving. That in-camera software has settings for contrast, saturation, ... which affect only the JPEG conversions and not the original RAW nor a RAW saved to the card. The camera's JPEG conversion settings, along with a bunch of other stuff, is saved in the file's header, whether it is saved as a RAW or JPEG.

When you save as RAW and convert on a separate computer, the conversion settings saved in the file are meaningless, for the most part, to any other conversion software except that that comes from the camera's manufacturer. Only then can the computer based software use exactly the same algorythms as the in-camera software, making the saved setting meaningful. When you use other brand conversion software (e.g. Adobe's Camera RAW software used by PS and Lightroom) they have to use their own default settings for most of the conversion values. This makes the results achieved by different conversion software different, but there is no possible way to define one as being "right".

If you like the way you camera's software is currently set you need to work out settings in ACR that achieve the same look and save them as a Preset. You can then easily apply the preset as your default conversion for use on future images.
Another aspect is making sure your monitor is set to show the same colors, temprature, etc. alot of people are suprised when they go to print something, and they get wierd colors because the monitor and printer are not calibrated to each otehr. Same with your camera. Look up the monitor calibration in adobe, usually found under your control panel.

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