Bird photo from this mornin


TPF Noob!
Feb 12, 2007
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Ok, well, i like to take pictures of birds in the morning and afternoon. I took about 32 pictures this morning, and this picture stood out to me. All i want is some C&C. I like polite criticism, but i can take any kind because i kno it will help me become a better photographer. Well, thanks in advance.

Looks good, I like that the bird is not centred in the photo, I'd like to see the red in the cardinal pop a little more, and the red hues in the leaves as well....
Yeah, i took several pictures of this cardinal, with it in the center, to the right, and to the left, and this one was my favorite. Thanks.
You definitely got it right having the cardinal off to the side. Toob bad it wasn't sunny out when you shot this. The sunlight would have helped with the dull look. Good attempt overall.
thanks. and acsonpg, if u can, please post the picture up for me to see. it would help alot.
I didn't do much to it, just highlighted the bird's color, added a bit of contrast overall and cropped.

Your thoughts.....

I like it. what u did really brought out the birds color.
Jake, you took a good photo. However, I like the cropped version more. But, we learn on TPF as we go along and I know you'll do a lot better in the future. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

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