C&C For A Noob


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Well as these pictures clearly state--like most of us here in the "beginners" section I'm ...well...a beginner. I took these close up (probably TOO close up) of my dog when she was napping. Just looking for some advice on fixing the color and other things that seem "off".

My other question : With SO MANY programs/editing sites to choose from to learn some editing skills--where does one start? Is one program more beginner friendly than another? Thanks in advance.



If I could tell you one thing it's this;

Generally you don't want to clip pieces off the subject such as half the head in the first one and the tip of the nose in the second one.
Haha very very true..better get my eye in order first :)
I agree with Lyonsroar.
On a positive note - I like the soft lighting and I think it suits the peaceful sleeping expression on the dogs face. For any photos you take I would recommend having a think first about what story you want the photograph to tell.

Keep snapping!
Just keep shooting and learning. Thats what I am doing you will improve.
Hi. I'm a total noob here so don't take me too seriously :lol:. I believe your problem may be due to an incorrect white balance setting.

I normally use gimp (gimp.org, a free photoshop-like program) to change it. It has a magic "colors>auto>white balance button which does wonders for me.

Anyway, I suspect the best thing we can do is take our photos on the right white balance setting in the first place...

Hope this helps.
Thanks very much everyone :)
It seems that in the first photo, her back is in focus more than her face. If you are using a point & shoot you may not be able to control that very well. If you are using a dslr, you can control that easily.

You may want to consider posting what kind of camera you use in your signature, it makes some responses easier in the future.
It seems that in the first photo, her back is in focus more than her face. If you are using a point & shoot you may not be able to control that very well. If you are using a dslr, you can control that easily.

You may want to consider posting what kind of camera you use in your signature, it makes some responses easier in the future.


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