Camera-geek tshirts!

Chicken Sashimi

TPF Noob!
Jul 31, 2010
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Hi peoples!

I'm a longtime lurker, first time poster.

I've been creating t-shirt designs that make subtle nods to the camera world.

I think they looks pretty slick and i figured i would share with this great community.
Also, I'm looking to the public in hopes that you can help contribute some fresh ideas.
I'm sure you've all been shooting for some time and have thought of some witty designs or wordplay that you think would look great on a t-shirt.

Since i shoot Canon personally, you'll have to forgive the leanings towards that camp. Regardless, i'm all for any suggestions you might have; if you know of a Nikon or other piece of gear that is iconic to the community, i would love to pay homage to it as i did in the Canon Thrifty Fifty design you see posted below.



I'm ok with bokeh

Money Shot!



50mm Rebel

If anyone is interested in buying these shirts, they're printed on American Apparel premium T-shirts and hoodies. Simply click on any of the design images to be taken to my store.
Thanks for looking!
How much are these T's.

Interested in the BOKEH
I'd be interested in the "Strobist" and the "Charged" T's
...I might have to pick up one or two of those... I need some new shirts anyway...
Lol the money shot one is awesome.
Very cool designs, but... $31.52 shipped for a t-shirt ?? :confused: I don't even pay that much for my Levis.
Woah. $31.52 for a shirt. If it were a hoodie, maybe. I was going to pick up a hoodie, but I cant figure out how to order the hoodie version instead of the t-shirt..

30 bucks isn't unreasonable for a quality t-shirt... Obviously, I haven't handled these, so there's no way I can say if they are 'quality' or not, but I'd be willing to drop that much on a good shirt...

T-shirts typically last me about 10 years, so it works out pretty good for me...

(Yes, most of my clothes were bought in the mid to late 90's, lol.)
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Woah. $31.52 for a shirt. If it were a hoodie, maybe. I was going to pick up a hoodie, but I cant figure out how to order the hoodie version instead of the t-shirt..


Click on the "buy/preview" button, then go to the pull-down menu next to "style"... you can pick Hoodie. ONLY $50.95 + $7.09 shipping. :grumpy:
ONLY $50.95 + $7.09 shipping. :grumpy:
OK, now that is a lot... If it were very high quality (like, it will last me 15 years), yeah - I might pay that... But there is no way for us to gauge the quality level...

I expect my clothing to last a long time, lol. Work clothes get abused and don't last long, but most of my causal stuff has been around for a few years, lol. (I do buy new clothes every now and then, and toss out the old stuff as I replace it... I don't go around looking like a bum...)
OK, now that is a lot... If it were very high quality (like, it will last me 15 years), yeah - I might pay that... But there is no way for us to gauge the quality level...

I expect my clothing to last a long time, lol. Work clothes get abused and don't last long, but most of my causal stuff has been around for a few years, lol. (I do buy new clothes every now and then, and toss out the old stuff as I replace it... I don't go around looking like a bum...)

I'm the same way... but even my work t-shirts are only $15 at Sears, and that's for pocketed Carhartts, which are good quality shirts. A half-dozen at a time will last a couple of years in construction.

I know that part of the cost of these is for the printed design, but sheez...

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