Can anyone Explain equivalent lens sizes on digital cameras.


TPF Noob!
Sep 28, 2003
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I have been searching for a pocket size digital point and shoot camera that will take wide angle photos without attachments. When I used 35mm cameras, I used a 28mm-55mm zoom. I have been using the old Kodak DC-210 for years, which has a 29mm-58mm 35mm equivalent zoom. After this camera came out, digital cameras went to a 5.1mm or higher lens which has the 35mm equivalent of 36mm or higher, these are not wide enough for my use. So yesterday I see 2 cameras I think will work, the Nikon 2100 with 4.7mm to 14.1mm lens and the Minolta X20 with 4.8mm-14.4mm lens. According to my calculations, the 35mm equavelant to these cameras should be less than 30mm at wise angle, which would work for my use. So I check further into the Specifications, and the 35mm equivalents to these cameras are for the Nikon 36mm to 108mm and for the Minolta 37mm-111mm. Have specifications changed, or am I confused, this comparison does not seem to work the same way it used to. Is there a better way to anylize the width of field on these cameras?

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