Daughter under table


TPF Noob!
Apr 1, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
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I don't usually do B&W, but figured I would give it a shot for this one. C&C welcome.

Not meaning to be disrespectful here George, but it looks as if she threw up before falling asleep half inside a cabinet.
Not meaning to be disrespectful here George, but it looks as if she threw up before falling asleep half inside a cabinet.

And how did you possibly anticipate that comment not coming off as disrespectful? Look, you don't like me...that's fine. You keep saying you have me on ignore and yet you keep following me around and attacking me. It's getting old.

In any case, that's a floral design on the carpet, not vomit. Thanks for your enlightening feedback.

Anybody have any feedback on the conversion? Maybe should have went with a bit less opacity on the sepia treatment? Still trying to feel my way through B&W. Haven't had much practice working with it.
The reason I didn't expect it to come off disrectful is because I gave you an honest opinion of what I saw from your image and I prefaced it with I don't mean to be disrespectful. AND I DON"T. I don't dislike you George, really. You have good talent and some great insight. I just think you're full of yourself at times.

The floral design of the carpet unfortunately does not come off in this image as you described IMO. The splatter pattern as I described does however. How about the falling out of the cabinet thing?
Muy Bein. Amazing what a crop will do. The cabinet can wait.
Kundalini spoke from experience from too much drinking. I agree with what he said.
I actually thought that at first when I saw the picture too... you gotta admit it does kind of look like it...
I actually thought that at first when I saw the picture too... you gotta admit it does kind of look like it...

I won't admit that, but my opinion is probably skewed from having the color version. I will admit that it is distracting and wasn't necessary for the photo.

As much as I do hate to admit it, I do agree with kundalini. I should have cropped it in the first place.
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I think the picture was way better before the cropping... If the flower in the carpet is distracting, just remove it with photoshop... IMO the composition in the first picture is better.


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