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Mar 15, 2005
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If I send you a roll of Maco IR 820 Aura, will you give it a try?

Sensitivity, obviously, is up to 820nm. Here's the hum-dingers though..."aura" means no anti-halation, AND it comes is 35mm, 120, 4x5, and 8x10. :drool:
Max: you know I've secretly adored you, right? :sexywink:


Well, of course I would be happy to give it a try - but isn't this stuff discontinued?? How old is your stock? My husband has been trying, off and on, to pick up 120 format of this stuff and hits a wall everywhere he's looked. If this is a new roll, where'd you find it? I'm curious.
Helen, 820c is different from 820 Aura. 820c has the anti-halation backing. Aura does not. Also, Aura is not available in 5x7 and 127 according to Fotokemika.

I have several rolls of the 820c. I don't have any of the Aura right now. Freestyle is the only US distributor of Fotokemika films. You'd have to call them, as it is not currently listed on their website. Retro and Fotoimpex do have stocks, though.
Helen, 820c is different from 820 Aura...

I thought that was evident from the name, so I didn't feel the need to explain it. I have about 40 rolls of 120 Aura left in the freezer if anyone is desperate for some old Aura, though I would like to keep some of it.

I recall hearing a roomer or I am starting one than the current Maco/Rollie IR maybe an Agfa aerial IR from the last run or direct from the Agfa supper. Also noticed that Maco/Rollie now has B&W positive film.
I thought that was evident from the name, so I didn't feel the need to explain it. I have about 40 rolls of 120 Aura left in the freezer if anyone is desperate for some old Aura, though I would like to keep some of it.


I wasn't criticizing you. I thought that you were correcting the Aura sizes that I listed.
I recall hearing a roomer or I am starting one than the current Maco/Rollie IR maybe an Agfa aerial IR from the last run or direct from the Agfa supper. Also noticed that Maco/Rollie now has B&W positive film.

These rumors have been largely unsubstantiated. There's been some speculation that some of Fotokemika's emulsions are borrowed from Agfa Gaevert. That has neither really been confirmed nor denied by FK. It is doubtful though, as the new film they're billing as a tech pan replacement is distinctly different from APX25. I've shot on a number of the FK emulsions. At the very least, UP25 has a very different base, and I don't believe the emulsions are the same. From my test in TMAX developer, the 100 speed FK films don't seem to be the same as APX100. I don't recall if it was FK or Arista, but it does appear to be the case that one of them bought remaining bulk stocks of APX from Agfa-Gaevert as it went out of business and then rebranded them. As for B&W positive, I'm not sure. You'd have to check the FK website(s).
Helen, 820c is different from 820 Aura. 820c has the anti-halation backing. Aura does not. Also, Aura is not available in 5x7 and 127 according to Fotokemika.

I have several rolls of the 820c. I don't have any of the Aura right now. Freestyle is the only US distributor of Fotokemika films. You'd have to call them, as it is not currently listed on their website. Retro and Fotoimpex do have stocks, though.
So, what are you sending me, bub? 120, 35, either is fine. Or, you could substitute a bottle of JL Chave. I'm just saying.
1) I did not say that Fotokemika was using Agfa emulsions. What I said was Maco/Rollei was now using Agfa stock from the original Agfa vendors.

2) From what I recall reading in review in Shutterbug and on APUG the two IR films film seem to be clearly different.

3) I have used UP25 in 35mm & 120, UP100 in 127 and APX100 in 35mm & 120. Have never used APX25. The Fotokemika films have a very soft emulsion and could never be confused for Agfa IMO
Sorry Jeff, I misunderstood you. The only thing I don't like about UP is that the base is so thin, it curls like hell. I have to keep it under a dictionary for about a month just to get it into my neg sleeves.
So, what are you sending me, bub? 120, 35, either is fine. Or, you could substitute a bottle of JL Chave. I'm just saying.

I've only got the IR820c, and in 120. I wish I could send you the Aura but I've got none. You might like the film but I figured you'd prefer the lack of anti-halation backing. Besides, I'd have to send you at least two rolls. IIRC, the ISO is pretty different from HIE, it would require some adjustments from your regular IR workflow (you shoot HIE with a 29, rated at 400 right?).

As far as the Chave, the last bottle of their regular rhone that I had was corked :( and it's a pain to ship, though I might be able to work something out. In other news, I'd be happy to hook you up with some Ektalure if you'd like (about a dollar a sheet in 8x10) would love your oils.
I've only got the IR820c, and in 120. I wish I could send you the Aura but I've got none. You might like the film but I figured you'd prefer the lack of anti-halation backing. Besides, I'd have to send you at least two rolls. IIRC, the ISO is pretty different from HIE, it would require some adjustments from your regular IR workflow (you shoot HIE with a 29, rated at 400 right?).

As far as the Chave, the last bottle of their regular rhone that I had was corked :( and it's a pain to ship, though I might be able to work something out. In other news, I'd be happy to hook you up with some Ektalure if you'd like (about a dollar a sheet in 8x10) would love your oils.
A #25 rated closer to 350, but close enough. ;) I'm lazy and love to run around and handhold HIE when I can.

meh, I already have the 820c in my fridge, you got me needlessly excited with the Aura mention. When HIE is gone I'll probably call my IR shooting days over (at least for a while in mourning). HIE blows the doors off 820c in all its various badges. Just MNSHO. :mrgreen: My husband often uses 820c in his Rollei at ISO 12; I can't be bothered just yet.

Corked Chave....makes me choke up to think about it. We're taking one to dinner this week (don't know which vintage he's going to grab, but it will be an older one) and am PRAYING it's good. Wish us luck!
I still can't figure out why Chateauneuf has that band-aid smell when aged. It's kinda creepy actually, but I like it...really musty. I think it's just grenache that does that. I've never smelled it any other grape. A couple months ago, I had a bottle of the '00 Pegau. It was the most delicious band-aid I've ever drank.
I still can't figure out why Chateauneuf has that band-aid smell when aged. It's kinda creepy actually, but I like it...really musty. I think it's just grenache that does that. I've never smelled it any other grape. A couple months ago, I had a bottle of the '00 Pegau. It was the most delicious band-aid I've ever drank.
One man's band-aid is another man's horse blanket....and I happen to love it. Gimme that barnyard every time, honey! Grenache is such a great varietal, and perhaps the most food-friendly when solo.

A 2000 Pegau. :thumbup: You're just bragging, really. You should never be in the same room with my husband; you geeks would go on all night, I fear. Your profile matches his! And I'm already paying for 2 storage rooms and have a damn 75 bottle cooler at the house for what he calls his "overflow"! It never ends. :lol:

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