Fight Club - Round 105: Results are in!

A few more tried, but the auto-responder was broken for two of them, and the third took himself out after re-reading the rules...

Hopefully it's a bit better next week! Where are all the regulars?
Alright well I guess this will be anti-climatic but:

1. Pretty - V3nom
2. Explosive - V3nom
3. You/U - V3nom
4. Might - V3nom
5. Say - V3nom

Just a reminder to everyone, you can vote even if you didn't play!
1. Pretty-OrionsByte
2. Explosive- v3nom
3. You- OrionsByte
4. Might- OrionsByte
5. Say - v3nom
1. Pretty - OrionsBytel
2. Explosive - V3nom
3. You - V3nom
4. Might - Orion'sByte
5. Say - OrionsByte

Is that how you vote? Hope I did THAT BIT right. :)
Mine are in, i couldnt work out how to get the photolinks from Flickr that end with .jpg . The photos are in jpg format so will that be ok or will i need to upload them to a different host?

I find that you don't need the Original Size open.
When you go to "Share This, like you do to put pictures on a Forum, for example, you can copy just the part of the code that has the it starts with http:// and ends with .jpg.

This is also how I get avatars and icons on my forum to show is wierd in that respect - changes filenames for the links and buries them in code.
I need to try and get back into this!

1. Pretty - V3nom
2. Explosive - OrionsByte
3. You - OrionsByte
4. Might - V3nom
5. Say - OrionsByte
Mine are in, i couldnt work out how to get the photolinks from Flickr that end with .jpg . The photos are in jpg format so will that be ok or will i need to upload them to a different host?

I find that you don't need the Original Size open.
When you go to "Share This, like you do to put pictures on a Forum, for example, you can copy just the part of the code that has the it starts with http:// and ends with .jpg.

This is also how I get avatars and icons on my forum to show is wierd in that respect - changes filenames for the links and buries them in code.
Thank you for the information! I don't use Flickr myself, so I don't know all the tricks :p
1. Pretty - V3nom
2. Explosive - OrionsByte
3. You - OrionsByte
4. Might - V3nom
5. Say - V3nom

1. v3nom
2. v3nom
3. v3nom
4. OrionsByte
5. v3nom

I'm going to have to try to join in on this someday too

oopppss. ha ha I knew there was something i had to do...

1. OrionsByte
2. OrionsByte
3. OrionsByte
4. OrionsByte
5. OrionsByte

When does this end? Think this has been up for votes for about 3 weeks now.
It was original opened for play three weeks ago, and it's been open for voting for two weeks. Normally they're only open for voting for one week but it was extended this week because Joe forgot to reset for the next round. So the final vote tally for this round should be posted on Thursday, the current round will be closed for play and opened for voting at the same time, and the next round will be opened for play at that time as well. :)

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