Final Portfolio


TPF Noob!
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
San Diego
Can others edit my Photos
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Here's a few images from my portfolio that ended my spring semester. I was taking Digital Photography 1 at Grossmont College, the theme was "This is Where we Live"





I was told they were a bit cliche, as I went for a classic Americana look I'm okay with cliche.

Thanks for looking,

Please feel free to C&C.
Okay, as long as you know they're a little cliché. :greenpbl:

Good work. The only comments I really have are fr the second, where I wish there was just a bit more light coming from the right to lift those shadows a little. But that's just me; I see how it can work without that extra fill.

The second thing is technical; there's a lot of aliasing in the above images. I suspect that's a product of interpolating the images as they were downsized, so hint: either multiply each side by 2^n, or divide by 2^n (2^1=2, 2^2=4, 2^3=8, etc). That will avoid the worst of interpolation problems. It'd be best if you just used a program with very good interpolation algorithms like Photoshop. (If you can't find it, take a look at the flipper in the last image, along its edges; they look jagged because of poor interpolation.)
These were scrunched down by uploading to facebook. Also I tried using the high pass filter in PS to create the gritty look that's ever so popular today, you can see it in larger versions. I don't think I did it completly right beacause it came out looking, meh . . .

But then again that's usually reserved for darker subjects, such as my barber shop, and not so much for things in broad daylight.

I'll have to remember to use flickr when I present photos here. :mrgreen:
I agree about the lighting in the barbershop...

I do like the placement and what you accomplished with #4. Very well staged (I'm assuming). You've got the hot dogs, the burger, the grille, the beer, and man and his best friend perfectly blurred out in the background. Nice work on this one!

Yeah, Facebook is just weird...interpolation on it can be anything from aliased to soft. Most of my photos seemed to be soft recently. Sometimes they're aliased. o_O
Thanks David!

Thats me in the background playing with my dog Heidi. I had the camera on my tripod set the exposure and focus, triped the timer and ran out into the backyard to get the shot.

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