Fun Self Portrait


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 9, 2008
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Sunny South Florida
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Was messing around with my flash and a quick little home made snoot to play around with. It was just playing with the little snoot than anything.


Dig the lighting, it's always fun to play with light and see what you can do.

It would be interesting to see what it would look like with a flash hitting from behind to create a halo.
Chapstick anyone?
lighting in the first shot is cool :thumbup:
Dig the lighting, it's always fun to play with light and see what you can do.

It would be interesting to see what it would look like with a flash hitting from behind to create a halo.

Thanks! It was fun. Wouldn't I need another light though to do one behind and then one in the front to light me? I did one where I pointed the light at the wall behind me and it just made a silhouette of my head.

Chapstick anyone?

Product of riding an atv in 20 degrees. I gotta' get on them lips :lol: I'll be taking donations btw.

Thank you!

lighting in the first shot is cool :thumbup:

Thank you very much/1
I should be getting a second around March so that should be fun.
Not sure if I want another speed light like 285hv or something like alienbee b800. The 285 is way more affordable though and easier to bring around places.
I'd wait for studio lighting for when you have a studio. I'd do the speedlight. But im pretty dumb most the time. haha.

cool light man.
Thanks! That's what i'm thinking because i don't always have a power source and those packs are darn expensive.
Exactly! And 285's can run off of those nice energizer Ni-MH rechargables. or are the cadmium? I forget but they rule!
Yep. Now i kind of want a soft box though but they are pretty pricy when you compare them to an umbrella. I think I might have to wait a little before I start spending more money.
You could try grids as well to narrow your flash splash... to direct it with more control on where it hits your subject.

I bought a David Honl kit and it is designed to work on a speedlight.

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