Gap between Pro and semi pro cam?


TPF Noob!
Jan 5, 2006
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Pricewise there´s a huge difference but how much of a quality difference is there really and how can i tell? Like a 20D and D200 seem to be semi pro but make incredible pics..Just curious because i dont know any better..
Usually pro cameras have other features that set them apart as well as having the highest MP in the companies range.

They can have:

Faster Shutter Speeds
Higher FPS eg. Canon 1N at 10 FPS
Higher ISO and more range
Full Frame Sensor
More AF Points
Larger Buffer Size
More picture variable settingas
The new ones seem to be able to use CF and SD cards and write to both at the same time

There are loads of features other than the ones mentoned that set the PRO cameras apart. The build quality will also be better.

Pro cameras are suually suited for professionals in certain feels and by no means are needed by all professionals. it depends what you want to do. I've seen amazing photographs using a 20D by professional photographers taking shots in the Savannah.
Right now, the main features that set them apart are full frame sensor, and weather sealing, as well as megapixels (if you throw the Canon 1Ds MKII into the mix).
I use a D200 as a backup to my D2H.

At this point the only place the D200 falls short is low light target aquisition and tracking. I use my D2H when I'm shooting theater or dusk/dark fields or events.

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