Golden Gate Bridge


TPF Noob!
Mar 26, 2008
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Broward, FL
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I went out to San Fran and Napa for a few weeks with my new Sony a200. This day was beautiful but really hazy. I am a supernoob so that doesn't help. Anyway, C&C appreciated, I would like to know what I could have done to make these better. I have the original RAW files so I can still make adjustments... Anyways, thanks in advance...




The Haze is terrible in this photo but I still loved the shot. Anyone have any ideas on what I can do in photoshop or Gimp to perhaps clear it up if it's possible???

hey, well i got a few things that i think could help.
from the shadows, it looks like you shoot this in mid day with some harsh light. shooting later in the day would help with this. In many of these it also looks like you over ps'd them. By that i mean, the colors are slightly off and there appear to be artifacts from over saturation/sharpening etc etc.

living in just across the bay bridge, i think these angles are a tad overdone....
with a bit of work your can get to much more interesting locations to shoot these objects but obviously if you dont live out here its a bit of a challenge to find them, but thats just my opinion
I'm not entirely sure whether it's the bad haze or simply poor focus, but these shots just don't look sharp enough to be honest. I think if you'd set your focus on the tall supports of the bridge you'd have better results. I like the composition, they just don't appear sharp enough.

As for the colours, they do look a little dull, especially that last shot. I recommend a program called UFRaw for post processing the temporatures.
Thanks for the C&C guys, unfortunately I was with a large group (Family there for a wedding), and this group was not there for photos. So I had to be quick with framing and settings. I had no say in when we went to the bridge either, so I was forced to shoot at the worst possible time. I added some saturation because the photo's lacked color due to being shot in midday. Is there a way to fix the color in photos shot in midday without over saturating? Also, being a total noob I used the autofocus, which may explain why some photos aren't as sharp as they could be. All in all, I'm just aiming to learn and get better, so I greatly appreciate the feedback...

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