Heavenly Headphones

Project 6

TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2009
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Made a light box tonight and I had some paper with clouds on them so I gave it a shot. I'm not really liking it to much; thinking of making another box with different materials, and I need to get another light. But what are your thoughts so far, aside from the reflection on the chrome.
No PP; straight from the camera.
The crop is a little to tight. I am guessing because of the constraints of the box itself? You already mentioned the reflection on the chrome. I like the cloud paper its a nice touch.
how do you prevent reflections? with a filter?
That picture is an awesome product shot, and I'd love to hear those Philips headphones!!
how do you prevent reflections? with a filter?

In that case I would say its going to be pretty tough to get rid of. PP them out which is going to take some time/talent. You could try depending on the size of your box to put up something white on the front of the box with a hole in it and shooting through it. Not really sure if you have the clearance to do that or not. I am not sure that a CP filter would help you in this case.
What if you hang a big white sheet or something behind the camera, and then you can set a timer and get yourself out of the way and then there shouldn't be any reflections. Or you could try it with a sheet of paper, and put it as close to the headphones as you can without getting them in the shot, just mess around with that and try to block the reflections. Only things I can think of, Nice shot though
Actually, looking at the reflections more closely I figured out that its the top of the box; sooo if make that part white, it should get rid of the reflection. Either that or the reflection will be white and it wont look like a reflection. I think :scratch:

That picture is an awesome product shot, and I'd love to hear those Philips headphones!!
Any other C&C's that would be helpful? Like what type of bulbs would be best for a light box? Or would it just be best to buy those light box tent sets on Ebay...the ones that come with multiple backdrops and stuff? usually they range from $30 to $60
If you want to get rid of reflections... here's what you do:

Keep the flaps on the box and put white poster board on the inside of them...

Fold them in so there is only a slit for the camera to poke through.

Then take a picture like that. The only reflection you'll get is the lens of the camera, which is tiny and easy to PS out.

(oh and if that reflection is from the top of the box you need to posterboard every wall on the inside of the box, including the flaps.)
If you want to get rid of reflections... here's what you do:

Keep the flaps on the box and put white poster board on the inside of them...

Fold them in so there is only a slit for the camera to poke through.

Then take a picture like that. The only reflection you'll get is the lens of the camera, which is tiny and easy to PS out.

(oh and if that reflection is from the top of the box you need to posterboard every wall on the inside of the box, including the flaps.)
Thats a good Idea...I"ll try that.

Any other C&C's you guys may have for the picture

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