Help Me!


TPF Noob!
May 9, 2008
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I am a beginner to photography and found this site - hoping will be helpful to me!
Know anything about starter kits? Suggestions?

JEEPS (anxious & confused)
mmmm budget

what you wanna take pictures of?

these wud be useful :D

cos we cud reccomend a $10,000 camera!
I recommend getting a disposable camera and mess around with it to see what you like shooting.

Once that is determined you can ask for portrait recommendations, landscape recomendations, etc.
Hmmm, never heard of that idea asfixiate. But i think thats a good idea for people who have never taken a picture before in their lives. Just after you get the shots proccesed evaluate what you enjoy shooting the most.
I don't recommend anything less than a Canon Xti plus a 17-50mm IS f/2.8. (only because it's what I started with) :) Now I have a 5D with 4 L lenses ranging from 16mm to 200mm. Hehe.. Ya I'm broke too.

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