Help, what all this on my photos


TPF Noob!
Nov 11, 2019
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Been shooting for several years, mostly on canon 7d and 8d. Over the past couple of years a couple of these have popped up on my 1,000 to 2,500 pic shooting sessions. However, on this last shoot. I've run to a lot of these photo errors, I don't know what to call them. I tried googling, but didn't come up with anything. So I'm trying here. Before, I just hung out checking out content. Hoping for help on this.
It this a camera issue, software/raw.....I'm using the latest Lightroom. I can preview the pics on windows 10 with no problem, however, once they converted from raw with either PS, LR, Illustrator these come up. Thx for your help!


  • IMG_2034.jpg
    826.2 KB · Views: 194
Did that happened with both of your cameras? If yes, it could be something outside the camera. Otherwise, I guess it is the camera. Possible sensor issue???
Corrupt file. Could be the cards, card reader, USB cord, hard drive......
Thx guys. Going to drop images from card to another computer and see if that may be it.
Do you shoot just JPEG or RAW as well? Agree that this looks like some sort of corruption, could be from copying or the file itself; if yo have RAW then you should hopefully find that file didn't get corrupted.

Not sure if that helps really.
You say that using win 10 you can view the images and they are ok.
I have some ideas for you but I will need some info please
Which camera is this prob on 7d or 8d
Sd or cf card
Are you using card reader for cf card ... if you do you have another to test that card reader is not the prob
if you look at the image on camera is it ok.
Win 10 and camera are displaying the jpg image.
When opening raw are you using Adobe raw or canon own raw editing pro.... try using canons dpp raw editor just to test
You say you shoot high number of shots which camera is prob on
Could it be the sensor is starting to fail and this is only showing up in raw and the jpg is masking it because these is less info in jpg.
Last thought. You were going to test on another computer. Can you format the sd/cf card in camera as I have known constant formatting/file deleting via pc.. as in not Mac ... can cause problems sometimes then do a test shoot to see if the problem comes back
I would imagen that number of shots you are not downloading via camera tether
Is it the same lens, I had a prob with a 6od and found that it was just one lens
Long and wordy soz well that would be my line of testing before I went to camera shop and asked if they knew.
I've had images like that on several occasions, it has always been the memory card. So to try a different card would be my first recommendation.
thx for the reply Katomi and stk.
I just happened to run across this post and looked at the image. Definitely a technical glitch and I'm no expert at technical problems but what did pop into my head was a thought - I could be way off in right field with this because it sounds so simple but...... It seems that a corrupted portion of "something" is overlapping onto your image and since your signature watermark lies within this glitch, uncorrupted, do you think that adding your watermark could be corruting the final file? Simple solution to eliminate this possibility would be to run the original image again through all your editing software but not include a watermark and see if this makes a difference.

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