High Speed Shutter Footage


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Jun 22, 2012
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Sioux Falls, SD
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Forgive me if this has already gone around - I just found it. If you are wondering how an slr shutter works, this video does a good job of explaining it. If you already know how it works, it's just kind of cool to watch a shutter work at 10,000 frames per second with some bonus information on the visual effects because of how a shutter works.

Thanks to the Slo Mo Guys for a video I enjoyed.
Hey, that's a pretty neat video. I always enjoy slow motion videos, so that was pretty cool.
To be clear. The video didn't show a SLR shutter working at 10,000 fps.

They used a special slo-mo camera that can shoot at 10,000 fps so we could see the shutter working in the SLR for a single exposure at a variety of shutter speeds. The slo-mo camera used to shoot the slo-mo video clips uses a different type of shutter than the focal plane shutter used in the SLR.

Notice that the shutter curtains in the SLR moves at the same speed for each shot. The difference is how wide the slit between the 2 shutter curtains is. The shorter the shutter speed, the narrower the slit.

At shutter speeds longer than the cameras x-sync shutter speed for flash there is not slit and both shutter curtains are fully open to make an exposure.
Nice, and to add that the image is upside down so the top to bottom movement of the shutter is bottom to top of the image. I thought he was going to mention this when he held the lens up in front of the camera, or he could have mentioned it when the shadow of the cork hit the guy before the actual cork did.
KMH - Thanks for the clarification. Recording at 10,000 fps is what I meant, it just didn't come out that clearly.

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