How to take photo of photos nicely?


TPF Noob!
Feb 16, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hello, I got about 100 of old photos. As I don't want to keep them, I tried to take photo of these photos. However, as the photos are glossy, I could see reflection of my iPhone and if taken straight on, myself. How to take photo of photos so that the resulting images are like the original photos? Thanks.
Probably scanning would be better. I don't know if you could get a good photo with a phone.

I've gotten decent copies using a camera but it doesn't seem worth getting equipment unless you'd use it again. I found the scans were better.

It might depend on whether you'd use a printer/scanner again or if a better option would be to have them scanned by a photo lab.
Hello, I got about 100 of old photos. As I don't want to keep them, I tried to take photo of these photos. However, as the photos are glossy, I could see reflection of my iPhone and if taken straight on, myself. How to take photo of photos so that the resulting images are like the original photos? Thanks.
I think I see your problem. The iPhone camera is amazing for many things, but scanning glossy photos would not be one of them (IMO).

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