I got NEW STUFF! (Not Camera related...IKEA RELATED!)


Flirtacious and Bodacious
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Feb 5, 2004
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North Central Illinois
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Seriously. Love. I went there for the first time yesterday.

Here's what I got (copy and pasting this from my post on another forum)

First, I got this clothes rack (just a teeny one) for my stuff that I need to hang. I think I may end up getting something better later on, but meh...it was $5.


Lighting for under my kitchen cabinets...


The lamp that I DEFINITELY wanted when I went to Ikea was this one, however, I didn't end up going with it, because I'm scared to spend $40 on a lamp with a paper shade, not knowing what my cats will do to it!


So, instead....I got this:


....trust me folks, it's quite big!

And since I still REEEALLY wanted a vertical lamp with a paper shade, I went with this:

If the cats do destroy it...I'm out $10. The cool thing is, the shade design matches the big hanging one.

Aaaand I got this:

I've wanted that desk lamp for like a year....Joe has the same one, and I really like it (and it's cheap!), but it's only available in the store.

Aaaand a rug for my living room (will go between my couch and entertainment center)

(it's actually dark brown on the outside, cream on the inside....looks almost black and off-white on my monitor, don't know about yours)

Then I got like, 4 vases and a little wooden movable figure (the kind you usually see in artists studios or something)

I have everything assembled but the cabinet lights. :) I don't have anything where it goes yet, cuz I need to do some furniture moving....that will be tonight and tomorrow's project (visiting Gramma this afternoon/evening, so I don't know that I'll have time to get it done tonight).

I can't wait to go back to Ikea!!! I got all that, and only spent $126!!!!
not as good as one of these

I like the idea of IKEA, but our store (and any one that I've been into) is always so crowded, that by the time I make my way through the maze...I'm ready to kill somebody.

Congrats on your new stuff though :D
IKEA furnished my whole house (except for the sofas).

I have a pretty good feeling mine will eventually be the same way. :p

There is SOO much more I need! Little by little I'm replacing my third hand used crappy stuff for newer and nicer stuff. :) As well as buying things I needed in the first place, like the lamps and the rug.

I think next on my list for bigger things I need to get, would be a dresser....I haven't had one since I've lived on my own! (6 years) My laundry sits folded in laundry basket most of the time. :p
I've always said Ikea is the real 'happiest place on earth'...though you need to be careful...

I went planning on buying a $12 lamp, ended up with $96 by the end of it! lol

BTW...I LOVE that floor lamp...I was thinking about it for my place ;)
Just my opinion...but IKEA furniture isn't of the highest quality...actually, a lot of it's pretty crappy. Myself and people I know have had their stuff fall apart after a few years of use. I guess it depends on the use of the piece in question...things like lamps may not take a lot of abuse and may last for a long time. But things that take some abuse...like chairs, beds, desks especially, don't seem to last very long.

I know that not everyone can afford solid wood furniture...but sometimes it's better to save up and buy something once...than to cheap out and have to replace it every few years.
Hmm... Interesting!! I just was on my way to IKEA to get some kitchen stuff. :D
Woo hoo, congrats on your new 'stuff' (and for getting such bargoons). I've never been in an IKEA...must make the trek as they seem to have good storage ideas for making the maximum use of small places.
The Ikea shop in Milton Keynes is a bloody nightmare and I guess others are the same. The sections you can walk through are so narrow and you're herded along the route as they pack as many people in as they can.

Some of their stuff is good though. But the odd piece is bloody awful.

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