I think hell froze over.


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Jun 9, 2013
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I'm not a DSLR virgin anymore.

My boyfriend recently decided to sell a Canon DSLR he'd had for a year or two (who the hell knows which one) and replace it with a Pentax K5. He's just as devoted to film as I am but figures if he's going to ever shoot digital for anything other than snapshots, at least it should be a decent camera.

So....we went for a walk earlier this week and he decided to bring it along since he had barely used it. Wanted to see what he could get out of it.

Every once in a while, I got to lay my hands on it, too. Think I took a total of about 15 shots. He had it on aperture priority and mostly ISO 200 to 400. I didn't want to mess with it too much since I was only grabbing it for a few shots here and there.

Here are the ones I liked the most.

This is weird.

rs Pond reflections.jpg

rs Bee.jpg

So how'd I do my first time out with a DSLR? :icon_bounce:
My condolences to you on the loss of your d-slr virginity. Errrmmm, wait...wait, maybe I should be congratulating you on your transition to full d-slr womanhood....:048::aiwebs_016::ambivalence::angel::apologetic::applause::barbershop_quartet_member::boggled::bull_head:

So confused here....must check protocol...will be back later...gonna check the Hallmark Cards website, Pinterest, Etsy, and so on....back soon!
Yes, I believe a party is in order, given to me by those already Initiated, and during which I'll be spirited away to be shown The Manual which will instruct me in flowery euphemisms on all the wonderful and terrifying new powers and responsibilities I will have. I think there must also be some sort of Starter Package sent to me, containing SD cards, ice cream, and ibuprofen.
Hmmm... Leonore, congratulations on picking up another brush to add to your artistic quiver. Same soul-rending angst when an oil painter discovers pastels. And yet, it's the same eye, same grey matter, same sensibilities... just a different medium. You are not your tools. You are Leonore, graver of images on negatives, and now, on digital sensors. I can see you combining the two (or three or four...) mediums. My wife (the real artist in the family) takes some of my printed images, cuts them up, hand-colours them (paint or pencil or pastel), adds them to her other work... Adds some other materials... and it all works. Just needs the right brain assemblying the elements. Yah. You'll do just fine.
Yes, I believe a party is in order, given to me by those already Initiated, and during which I'll be spirited away to be shown The Manual which will instruct me in flowery euphemisms on all the wonderful and terrifying new powers and responsibilities I will have. I think there must also be some sort of Starter Package sent to me, containing SD cards, ice cream, and ibuprofen.
That reminded me of "The New Moon Party". :icon_mrgreen:
I was listening to a podcast yesterday wherein, the host and guest were talking about change. Everyone fights change and hates it but, in reality, change can be great and positive! Maybe the slippery slope of film to digital will change you over. :clap:

I like your photos btw, they look good. ;)
If you miss film later you can find one of those formulas for processing that imitates the look of a particular film, and even add some grain while you're at it ...
I'm not a DSLR virgin anymore.
glad the experience wasn't painful for you...
Although, have to mention, you look kind of different now...



Those are better pictures than anything I've ever taken.

that's it .. gonna sell the entire lot and move to film.

oh wait, I did that once before. I stunk at film too. Nevermind.
15 pics today, Lightroom tomorrow, Photoshop the day after, Crop Vs Full Frame sensors research is on it's way soon.


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