I'm a no-bull**** person...(rant)

So now teachers aren't allowed to discuss how underpaid they really are? We're supposed to just suck it up, take what we get and not ever say a word?

Got it.

Whatever I know you guys just goof off on your short work days and long summer vacations. ;)

It's good to live the glamorous life.
I personally love when people gripe about their pay check when they obviously knew damn well what their pay would be when they accepted the position. And to take onto that, who takes a 75% drop in pay and agrees to an hour fifteen commute all in one go?

Sometimes people must do what they don't want to do just to survive - and they don't relinquish their rights to complain about it.
Just a question to throw out there. What made you want to be a teacher/Professor in the first place? limr, I would love to hear your answer.
So now teachers aren't allowed to discuss how underpaid they really are? We're supposed to just suck it up, take what we get and not ever say a word?

Got it.

Nooo..it's like this; most companies in the U.S if you sign an agreement saying you will not bad mouth the company. But throw a few F bombs on FB about that company, school, hospital etc, where some coworkers can see it; may result in termination.

My comment was based off it's better here(or on a punching bag..my choice) to vent. Or MC might blow a gasket in class.
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So now teachers aren't allowed to discuss how underpaid they really are? We're supposed to just suck it up, take what we get and not ever say a word?

Got it.

Nooo..it's like this; most companies in the U.S if you sign an agreement saying you will not bad mouth the company. But throw a few F bombs on FB about that company, school, hospital etc, where some coworkers can see it; may result in termination.

My comment was based off it's better here(or on a punching bag..my choice) to vent. Or MC might blow a gasket in class.

Sorry. I was responding to a different comment. I should have quoted it to avoid confusion. It was the one about how the OP shouldn't complain about the job or its salary because he knew it would be paying lower before he took it.

I totally agree with your point about when/where/how to vent! :)
Sorry. I was responding to a different comment. I should have quoted it to avoid confusion. It was the one about how the OP shouldn't complain about the job or its salary because he knew it would be paying lower before he took it.

I totally agree with your point about when/where/how to vent! :)

No worries...pint? :)
Just a question to throw out there. What made you want to be a teacher/Professor in the first place? limr, I would love to hear your answer.

It wasn't really a conscious decision. I mean, I've always loved chalk and wished I could be the one who always got to use it on the chalkboard ;) but other than that, it was not a burning desire to be in the classroom. I did, however, have a desire to always be in an academic setting because that's where I felt comfortable. When I majored in linguistics in college, I admired my professors and the subject matter so much that it made me want to be like them. My favorite professor was a big-time hardass and the A grade I got in her class is still one of my proudest moments. After I took her class, she asked me to come back as a teaching assistant (even as an undergrad) and I did that for two semesters. I really enjoyed it and wanted more.

In grad school, I got a TA-ship that paid for my tuition and gave me a stipend each month for living expenses in exchange for teaching 8 hours a week in their English Language Institute. That was also really tough. The director of the ELI was another no-nonsense old-school professor and I loved her just as much as I did my undergrad mentor. I grew to love being in the classroom more and more. After grad school, I taught overseas and after 5 years, returned to the States. I was burnt out and thinking of changing profession, but after 3 months I still couldn't find a job, so I got some ESL classes at the community college to get a salary, any salary.

I've been there ever since, though I've moved departments and gotten more involved in other aspects of the college as well. Even though it's incredibly frustrating in a lot of ways - including how horrible the pay is! - and even though planning an exit strategy, I can't really wrap my head around not being in the classroom. A bad class will leave me in a bad mood for hours, but a good class will leave me floating on air for days. I might ***** about it when I'm not in the classroom, but once I AM there, everything else falls away. Just me and my students and we're doing our work...it just feels natural at this point. It's the real work I'm doing, and it's why I put up with all the other crap. Yes, I knew it wasn't going to pay me millions, but I never cared about millions. I do care, however, about being paid a living wage and being appropriately compensated for my work, but teaching work is consistently undervalued and underestimated and I don't accept for one second that I'm supposed to shut up about that. Why can someone else demand their worth but teachers somehow are supposed to do it just for the love of it? Are we supposed to be altruists or something?
Sorry. I was responding to a different comment. I should have quoted it to avoid confusion. It was the one about how the OP shouldn't complain about the job or its salary because he knew it would be paying lower before he took it.

I totally agree with your point about when/where/how to vent! :)

No worries...pint? :)

Make mine a Guinness and we're set :)
Is no eating in the classroom school policy or just yours? If it's your policy, what do you gain or lose by allowing them to eat in the classroom?
runnah, I am one year younger than you.

Yes that's what frustrates me. All these years of educational resources spent on these snobs and they are "unusable".
To be fair, the education system here has failed miserably, and they just implemented a "new system reform" that is even worse than the last one.

We had an intern how was in their senior year and they DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO USE MICROSOFT WORD. I mean how does that happen. Just lazy and entitled.

Say what, Our 11 year old knows Microsoft Word...hell, he presents us with a Powerpoint presentation sometimes explaining why we should buy him something! How can you say no to that? lol
Is no eating in the classroom school policy or just yours? If it's your policy, what do you gain or lose by allowing them to eat in the classroom?

Because back in the we days listening to music, eating is not only rude and disrespectful, but distracting.

Physics is hard enough without the smells and crunching just common courtesy.
show up for class, throw your feet up on the desk, eat your meal...with earbuds in of course, pick up a recent copy of Design Drafting American and just sit there. at least one student will ask, what you are doing, simply respond, "hey, if y'all don't don't give a flying f-stop, nor do i"

another approach is to praise those that are doing things acceptably. perhaps have an industry professional come in to discuss the industry's expected performance standards.

all is not lost, i mean at least they'll know how to take a selfie in the bathroom mirror.
Is no eating in the classroom school policy or just yours? If it's your policy, what do you gain or lose by allowing them to eat in the classroom?

Because back in the we days listening to music, eating is not only rude and disrespectful, but distracting.

Physics is hard enough without the smells and crunching just common courtesy.

Back in the day is not today. The way students learn today are totally different than when we walked 4 miles in snow uphill both ways.
Back in the day is not today. The way students learn today are totally different than when we walked 4 miles in snow uphill both ways.

True but most students have piss poor time management(beer pong parties :) today have waaay too many distractions an excuses.

I still go to school and IMO, it's rude to be snacking especially if they're sitting in the front where I sit. Can't really comprehend how they can learn while munching,. If you went where I go, the ones who lack basic hygiene skills are especially disgusting!

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