Is this normal?


TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2007
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I'm pretty new here and to photography in general. I have posted up a whole bunch of pics so far and most of them I am pretty proud of. With how proud I am of these pics I figure most others feel the same way about theirs so I find it hard to post negative things. I feel that I could make a nice contribution to the conversation and even a decent critique (given my art background). I just feel awkward telling someone what's "wrong" with their I the only one? Is there a general understanding that critique is meant only for advancing purposes?
Well, there's a few members here who give outright, "I-don't-like-it" critiques. Which isn't a bad thing, at all. Critique helps everyone learn. If you feel awkward giving strong critiques in the galleries, though, I suggest going to the critique forum. Anyone who posts there is asking for exactly the kind of critique that you want to give. ;)

Oh, and, welcome to the forums!
Okay cool :)

Thanks for the warm welcome.
Hi there and welcome, Bear.

Nothing wrong with pointing out the negative stuff in a picture... Like Emma said, it helps learning.

By the way and since we are in the off-topic: What the heck is in your avatar? 'Cause that ain't no bear...
Normally the reason people post pictures is to receive constructive criticism.

If you dislike a picture of someones you should not reply with, "Oh you picture is garbage."

Instead you should generously tell them some flaws, but then end your post with something positive. No people will be offended if all your trying to do is help in a mannerful manner. (try saying those last two words 10 times fast)

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