It's not the camera, it's the photographer: Photo Assignment


TPF Noob!
Dec 5, 2010
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We have probably all heard that adage by now but let's put it to the test. Post your best picture using a point and shoot camera or a cell phone camera. No due date, no competition, just show us what you can do with limited gear.

Here is mine taken with a cannon s90 (in a waterproof case obviously):

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This was with a DiMage Z2 bridge camera several years ago before I formally educated myself... (clickable for full size)


Taken with Canon D10 underwater camera....this one....
Post your best picture using a point and shoot camera or a cell phone camera.

That's hard, because it wasn't until I got a DSLR that I really started working hard on getting better, and most of the shots I used to think were good don't look so good to me any more. :p I managed to dig this one up though, and I still like it. Canon G3 (my old faithful camera for over 7 years!)

great pictures .... so far they are really special..
We have probably all heard that adage by now but let's put it to the test. Post your best picture using a point and shoot camera or a cell phone camera. No due date, no competition, just show us what you can do with limited gear.

Here is mine taken with a cannon s90 (in a waterproof case obviously):
i have seen this beautiful photo before...
haha, well of course you have! it was also in a contest in this forum. :)

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