I've been working diligently :P


TPF Noob!
May 9, 2012
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United States
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
So I've been really busting my hump trying to get my photography from 'takin pix' to creating art. Here's what I've recently done. (Mostly street photography) Note none of them have any PP except slight levels work and cropping as I'm going for the most raw feel I can. They are all noisy and I won't be applying any NR to them as I feel the grit adds to the feel I'm going for. However, with that said, C+C is most definitely welcome.

$Street 2-6.jpg

$Street 2-3.jpg

$Street 2.jpg




You've got some compelling images here. The one thing I can say is perhaps work a little bit on the amount of grays. You have sharp blacks and whites, which of course is vital, but without some of the grey midtones there isn't as much dynamic. Lovely compositions though and really not far off from a great black and white over all.

[edit] To clarify again, the whites seem just slightly blown out in a couple of these. Most of them do have a good gray balance.
The first one, with the kid leaning out and looking at the water is potentially excellent. The only problem I see with it is that I perceive the kid as the natural visual center, the "important thing" and he's out of focus. The focus seems to be a little further out, on the surface of the water. This is visually confusing.

I like the fourth one, with the girl standing there. The sign in the background, barely legible, is great stuff. The weird thing on the left (is this water? from some sort of squirting fountain or something?) is enigmatic and interesting. I'm not completely convinced that I like it, and the image might actually be stronger if you cropped it out entirely. The architecture just isn't my kind of thing. I see the cool forms and so on, but it does nothing for me personally. The Hungry Vet looks exactly like every single photo of a guy in a wheelchair holding a sign.

The rest are less interesting. In the second one, I feel like the guy with the Detroit hat is on the wrong side of the frame and is grinning "for the camera", the left half of the frame has nothing to offer my eye.

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