

Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
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F@cking Hell
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Not sure what Im doing in this gallery. :lmao: :lmao: I wanted to post these to get some opinions/suggestions for next time.
I dont shoot people. But I thought I would practice on my great niece Madison.



Madison and proud Papa Ryan

This is my great nephew Ethan

Any comments are appreciated... let me know if I should stay in the darkside. :lmao:
I like to see the "brightside-Chiller" show every now and then, and from what I can see, THAT Chiller has as much photographic knack as the "darkside-Chiller" has.
And your niece lets you get very close to her, which is interesting to look at, though for me personally, the first is a tad too much fill-the-frame in style, but I do like the second and third. Nicely composed, I say.
And the light was so much to your advantage in the third to bring out the colour of her eyes. I really like that one best of the whole series.
I agree with Lafoto...there is NO need to stay in the darkside with beautiful people shots like these. The lighting in #3 is wonderful. And I love the proud/loving expression on Ryan's face in #4. Ethan's expression is great in that last one. Good work, Carl!
See, Carl....we KNEW you wouldn't melt in the sunshine. ;)

She is a beautiful baby, and both kids look healthy and happy. Fun series!
#3 really stands out to me in this series. The way the light catches her eyes is great!
Adorable kids! I LOVE the third one! I bet her mommy loves it too. Great job. :)
I did a double take.

She's a cutie! Fun stuff.

Common.... step into the light from time to time. It's OK. Really.

Sorry Pete...gotta keep y'all on your toes. :lmao: :lmao:

Thank you all so much for your awesome words. I really appreciate all your comments.

terri...the sun always hurts,....isnt there a full moon soon. no wonder Im all mixed up. :lmao:
I have to agree with everyone who said they really liked #3, it just jumped out at me!! Great job!

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