Me or my prints?


TPF Noob!
Mar 17, 2007
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I posted a question with a couple shots in the B&W gallery but I haven't gotten any responses yet. I figured a follow-up here might be in order... So can someone please take a look at this thread and see if they have any feedback for me? Thanks! :)
as others have suggested the color shift is from the lab using color paper with color chemistry. Even with carefully management it is unlikely to get a true neutral black and white with commerical prints.
C-41 black and white film was invented to enable the one hour labs to process the film along with the color runs, which has led to stange looking colors shifts .

A custom printing house or printing them yourself can result with a more traditional look.
How difficult would it be to make my own prints? I unfortunately didn't even have a high school photo class available to me so I've never developed my own film or made my own prints before. What sort of space and cost can I expect? Should I get a book on the process or are there web resources that are good enough?

Thanks! :D
oh goodness, it would be helpful if you could find a school in your area that offers darkroom classes. jr. college perhaps, or an art center, even someone in your area that has a darkroom that would be glad to let you see the basic darkroom and the workflow.

there are a wide variety of books available , but hands on is the best way to learn. Ilford has a pdf on their website that will give you the basic's including a list of equipment.

i know people who print in their bathrooms sitting on the floor so space can vary from a closet to a good size area.

cost these days can be cheap as there are lots of enlargers on the market . check your local paper or craig's list.

printing can be difficult and it can be easy; however, it takes practice and experience . Some fall in love with the darkroom and others who always wanted to try it , find it ok, but have no passion for the process. that is why, if you can find someone to mentor you or give you some first hand experience it would be helpful .

i don't know if this really answered your question but perhaps will give you a direction to think about.

That would be nice... I'll have to see if I can find anyone in my area who is both capable and willing! :)

I was accepted to Brooks for this coming fall and my first course there covers 4x5 medium format use and fundamentals as well as b&w developing, print making, finishing, etc. It would be fantastic if I can get a jump on the process before school starts!

I've heard of the bathroom idea before. My first thought there is: do you need to have a porcelain tub? Is there a worry that the chemicals will corrode a plastic one?

yes, the chemistry can create issues for your tub.

i know you want to get a jump on the process; however, it may be better to wait and start with exactly what your insturctors want to teach you. sometimes we learn bad habits and it is very difficult to change.

Brooks has a great rep and i would expect them to get you going down the right path immediately. That isn't always true of every school.

there are a couple of good books (imho) that would give you an over view and head start. one is Henry Horenstein's "Black and WHite Photography, a basic manual".

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