Megan and Jay


Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Washington State
This is my friend Megan, and my brother-in-law Jay. I know they're not real good, but I like 'em. =)

I think they're both good Verb, but I really like #2!
The lighting is just right. You can see just enough of his hat and shirt.
I agree with Woodsac. The lighting is very nice. I like the black background too - really makes him stand out!
These are very good for what is pretty much your first post in the portrait section! The first I've seen anyway! But yah, I like these - good lighting on the second.
Sometimes we are our own worse critics. Don't write that they are not good, write that they are kick ass photos and you love them better than your dog. OK, that was my self esteem class and you owe me $25.

I like the relaxed, non posed look of both photos. Nothing wrong with either one. When you catch people the way they really are, then you can't do better. Both remind me a little bit of street photography and I like that type of photo.

I think I saw your brother in law at the Seahawks game, at least someone who looks like him.

What part of Washington do you call home?
fredcwdoc said:
Sometimes we are our own worse critics. Don't write that they are not good, write that they are kick ass photos and you love them better than your dog. OK, that was my self esteem class and you owe me $25.

I like the relaxed, non posed look of both photos. Nothing wrong with either one. When you catch people the way they really are, then you can't do better. Both remind me a little bit of street photography and I like that type of photo.

I think I saw your brother in law at the Seahawks game, at least someone who looks like him.

What part of Washington do you call home?

I wouldn't be too terribly surprised, although I'm not sure he's much of a football fan. I live up in Bellingham, btw. :thumbup:

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