Monday Morning!!


TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2005
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Trying to stay positive here.

Bauer hour is tonight. Followed by the Bachelor.

That's really all I can think of....

*falls asleep at desk*
look, i'm stuck home, caughing my lungs off and there's nothing on tv except the "magic bullet" crap i've seen eleventy billion times.

so just enjoy the fact that YOU can go out.
Get a job!
There is a demented man down the hall from me. He was brought in today for his routine neurological exam.

I appreciate that this has to happen, but it's a bit unnerving to hear his constant laughter, interrupted only by his shouts of "HAMMMMMM-BURGER!!!!!!!!!!!" :meh: I assume a lunchtime favorite was used to coax good behavior from him on this trip.

It's gonna be a long week.
Surprisingly spry for the day after Superbowl. I will probably get tired just as my class starts at noon.
I'll have you know, I watched football yesterday. You know what that makes me? A REALY MAN!!!

I wanted the blue team to win, but they didn't.

Pizza and wings were good though.
Just to add to the list of monday morning complaints. I am writing a continuing story on my blog, just a few paragraphs each day. It is to force me to write and to get some badly needed structure in my life.

So I need to write a few paragraphs.... I need to build a few more custom cut film holders.... I need to test a camera and develope the film. I need to do so many things. I really would like to take a nap instead. and I darn well might.

Nap in place of traying to force something, more than cornmeal thoughts, out of my brain, now that is a no brainer.

Shameless blog plug
I say we should have traditions here to make monday mornings better.

like taking a pic when you wake up and post it later and then we all look at others' pics and have a blast if we're not asleep yet.
Alexandra said:
I say we should have traditions here to make monday mornings better.

like taking a pic when you wake up and post it later and then we all look at others' pics and have a blast if we're not asleep yet.

What is this, a photo forum or something?

yay monday morning was cool :) I passed my exam in maths... and it was the last exam in this session... so... I'm free till 27th :D

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