Morning Clouds


Been spending a lot of time on here!
May 29, 2008
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N Georgia
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Couple of stills from my Mavic Mini yesterday morning. Super contrasty lighting. I love this little drone, but if only it had a slightly bigger sensor and RAW.

I came close to buying that drone but didn't due to the restrictive visual capabilities.
I came close to buying that drone but didn't due to the restrictive visual capabilities.

The good thing about it is that it's cheap and here in the states at least, it doesn't have to be registered. If only it had a slightly larger sensor and RAW, I'd be a lot happier. But still, it's DJI, so the software isn't a beta test. I have yet to replace a prop after one year.
I came close to buying that drone but didn't due to the restrictive visual capabilities.

The good thing about it is that it's cheap and here in the states at least, it doesn't have to be registered. If only it had a slightly larger sensor and RAW, I'd be a lot happier. But still, it's DJI, so the software isn't a beta test. I have yet to replace a prop after one year.

They are no doubt a great bit of kit for the money. Our laws are changing so all drones of this size will have to be registered too.
The Mini II might have RAW. And yes, if government CAN regulate something, they will.

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