MOTW - Antarctican

Mohain said:
Hi Anti,

What's your real name .... ;) No seriously though, you're often hanging around in the darkside too, what's a nice girl like doing doing in a place like that? ;)
Umm, can't tell if that first part was a 'serious' question or not?

When I first checked out TPF, several of the people whose photos I really liked posted on the dark side, so that's probably how I got into it. I'd never really taken many shots in a cemetery before (except maybe one shot in foreign cems in Germany, Greenland and in the UK) but have gone to 4 or so locally since joining TPF. I can't seem to find ones that have anything but crosses, however....none of the great statues like I see others shooting. It's harder than one would think to get a good shot of a statue, at least for me. Now, I find myself actively looking for cems (how weird is that, for a nice girl from Toronto??)
JTHphoto said:
is law school the reason you always kick our butts at trivia? how does one acquire that much useless information? ;)
Hey JTH, welcome back from vacation. Hope it was awesome. And I bet it's awful to have to go back to work after such a nice break.:(

LOL, no, law school didn't help me with all the useless info in my brain that comes up in trivia! I think I'm just a lucky guesser a lot of the time when I don't actually know the answer. ~~~What are we talking about? Why, TPF's own trivia tournament! We're always looking for players, so check it out at But beware, it's timed, so you've gotta be fast when answering.
[/shameless plug]
Alison said:
As a follow up to Chiller's travel question I'd like to know where you have traveled :D
I have indeed been extremely fortunate to have been able to travel, often because it was a sailing destination when I used to sail, or I have friends and relatives in far off places from whom I sponged free accomodation!
  • Beach destinations: Antigua, St. Lucia, several of the Virgin Islands, St. Maarten, Mexico (Acapulco and Cancun), Bermuda, San Andres (which is part of Columbia)
  • Other Provinces in Canada: Winnipeg (Manitoba), small towns in the Arctica (Nunavut); Quebec City and Montreal (Quebec), Fredericton (New Brunswick), Halifax (Nova Scotia), Charlottetown (Prince Edward Island)
  • US: Chicago; several towns in Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts and Rhode Island; Annapolis (Maryland); New York City, Sodus Bay, & Rochester (New York); Washington (DC); Philadelphia (Pennsylvania); Charleston (South Carolina); Savannah (Georgia); several spots in Florida
  • Europe: Plymouth & London in the UK; various small towns in Germany, Austria and Switzerland; Paris; Venice, Pisa, Florence, Vatican City and Rome in Italy; Amsterdam; Norway (Oslo and Svalbard); Greenland; brief visit to Monaco/Monte Carlo
  • other continents: Antarctica; Africa (Tanzania and Kenya); Australia (Melbourne, Sydney, Cairns and Uluru)
Antarctican said:
Ummm, mint chocolate chip icecream? Hope it doesn't melt, or I may have to eat it myself.

You touch my ice-cream and there be trouble :greenpbl:
:lol: at the blackberry pic! :D Awesome answers so far!

I would like to old you were when you decided you wanted to be a lawyer?
Antarctican said:
Hey JTH, welcome back from vacation. Hope it was awesome. And I bet it's awful to have to go back to work after such a nice break.:(

LOL, no, law school didn't help me with all the useless info in my brain that comes up in trivia! I think I'm just a lucky guesser a lot of the time when I don't actually know the answer. ~~~What are we talking about? Why, TPF's own trivia tournament! We're always looking for players, so check it out at But beware, it's timed, so you've gotta be fast when answering.
[/shameless plug]

it is awful being back, i am so depressed. at least there is always tpf to keep me busy at work... :lol:

i'm usually a pretty lucky guesser too, not today though! :thumbdown:

I feel like maybe I should know this but what camera/s do you use? What got you into photography? What brought you to TPF? and finally, do you have a favorite landscape-style shot from antartica that you can share?
core_17 said:
:lol: at the blackberry pic! :D Awesome answers so far!

I would like to old you were when you decided you wanted to be a lawyer?
I was about 20 years old and taking a general arts program at University. My father said it may not be all that marketable a degree, and I should look at being eg. a doctor, accountant, veterinarian, lawyer, or something like that (fathers, eh? Picking all the hard courses). The only suggestion he had that 'appealed' to me at the time was lawyer, so that's what I targeted as the course I'd follow after my B.A.
Can we ask about your work a little? Like...have you ever worked on a case that was particularly difficult? Or funny? Or weird?
JTHphoto said:
...what camera/s do you use? What got you into photography? What brought you to TPF? and finally, do you have a favorite landscape-style shot from antartica that you can share?
For a film camera I have a Pentax MZ-30 SLR w Tamron 28-300 lens (as well as the 28-70 kit lens that came with it, which I think I've used twice!). I really like it, and always said I'd never give up film. But I've gotta admit that since I got my Canon Digital Rebel XT a year ago (with Tamron 18-200 lens), I haven't even finished the roll of film that's in the Pentax. I made the switch to digital because I was tired of hauling 60 rolls of film with me on my 'big trips'....I tend to take a lot of pictures, and fear running out of film when I'm in some remote place. ~~~I also have a digital point-n-shoot (Nikon Coolpix).

I love photographs. To me, snapshots are little captures of a moment in time, a 'memory' preserved in a tangible way you can take out and look at. Even if it's not a picture that I took, or people I know, or an event/location I even attended, I love looking at photographs and being transported to the place and time it was taken, 'feeling' that moment, and seeing that sight.

Chiller introduced me to TPF in January. I was climbing a small hill near the Toronto Zoo, as training for my Mt. Kilimanjaro climb in February. I stopped into the zoo afterwards, and was at the Eagle cage when Chiller started talking to me. He showed me in the LCD of his camera some of the amazing shots he'd taken that day of the lions and eagle, showed me how to use the camera in P mode (I usually use it in 'idiot' auto mode), and suggested I check out TPF. So I did, and I quickly became addicted to all the amazing images I see here.

I will dig out an Antarctica photo or two and scan it. Hopefully I can get to that later today, and hopefully the scan quality won't be atrocious.
Since you were in Tanzania, which sits close enough to Kenya, I need some help determining the pronunciation of the word ‘Kenya’. Is it ‘Ken-ya’ or ‘Keen-ya’? Not exactly a personal question, but a question I am certain you will be able to answer :) Thanks
core_17 said:
Can we ask about your work a little? Like...have you ever worked on a case that was particularly difficult? Or funny? Or weird?
I used to defend hospitals in medical malpractice cases. Some of the cases involving problems during the delivery of babies were sad/upsetting, as the child was often left horribly compromised and couldn't live a normal life. Those cases were heartbreaking, as there was often no one to 'blame' for the problem and therefore no one to pay money to the parents/child. The medical malpractice cases could also be very interesting, as we had to learn all about the medical procedures involved.

Other cases that were difficult were some motor vehicle cases, as the injuries from highspeed collisions can be devastating. Young people left paralyzed because they got in a car with a drunken friend, etc. Did you know there are wheelchairs that can be operated by eyebrow movement alone, as that is all the movement some spinal cord injured persons have? Another case that struck home with me was a couple in their 30s driving on the TransCanada highway one evening when they were hit head-on by an oncoming vehicle whose driver had fallen asleep. The engine of their vehicle was driven back and into the lap of the woman sitting in the passenger seat. She had multiple fractures to her torso and legs, underwent numerous surgeries (20 or so?), but she could still walk and had no brain damage etc. She had scars on her scars, though, which weren't pretty. Her husband wasn't able to deal with her injuries, so the marriage broke up, and her pelvic injuries meant she would never have children. That could happen to any of us...just being in the wrong place at the wrong time and in the blink of an eye your life is changed forever.

Funny/weird ones would include: the police dog that was sued for biting a guy brandishing a knife who'd already sliced his own wrist (ie it was the guy who sued, not someone else. I guess they could garnish his Alpo if the dog had lost); the lady who sued city hall because she slipped on pigeon droppings outside; the court reporter who broke both wrists when she fell on a wet sidewalk (not icy, just wet...but you can imagine how hard it would be to type with both arms in casts, so she was hoping to get money from someone) etc etc.
Peanuts said:
Since you were in Tanzania, which sits close enough to Kenya, I need some help determining the pronunciation of the word ‘Kenya’. Is it ‘Ken-ya’ or ‘Keen-ya’? Not exactly a personal question, but a question I am certain you will be able to answer :) Thanks
I always heard it referred to as Ken-ya, but a search in indicates it can be pronounced either way.

Edit: and btw, they list the ken-ya pronunciation first.

Am I correct in my recollection that your father once made a summit attempt on Mt. Kilimanjaro? I seem to recall you posting back when I put up a few pics from the trip.
core_17 said:
Thanks Chiller! :D

Doesnt Chase pay some sort of commission for recruiting. :lol:

Thank you so much for the mention Anty. It was really cool to meet you at the zoo...but it was freekin cold that day eh?. Really glad you joined the forum, you have been a really great addition.

Do you have a favorite photo you have taken? One that really means a lot to you.

Excellent interview so far....:thumbup: :thumbup:
Chiller said:
Do you have a favorite photo you have taken? One that really means a lot to you.

Excellent interview so far....:thumbup: :thumbup:

(Awww, thanks Chiller!)
Two that spring to mind are:
-the one of the sunrise as I trudged towards the summit of Kilimanjaro, which I posted here on TPF. It's not a great shot technically, but it means a lot to me
-When my third nephew was born, I got a shot of his older brother peeking into the bassinet at the hospital, taking his first look at his new little brother. Again, it isn't a well-composed shot (and hospital rooms are ugly), but it really captured kind of a neat moment. If I can find the shot, I'll add it to the scan list

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