My Website


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 31, 2011
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey so I finally put together a website. Any thoughts on it would be much appreciated. I still have a lot to add but its a good start. Its a wordpress based site. After I paid, I had a look at the squarespace stuff, which I think is easier (so I made a site for my girlfriends make-up business) still on the fence about which is better, but the squarespace is definitely easier to use (at least until they update the wordpress template)
Superior PhotoGraphics |
please have a look :)
I like it. It's nice and simple, not overdone like some sites can get.
Yeah I tend to think that the simple things get the point across faster. I also didn't want to clutter it up and really emphasize the photos and nothing else. I was stoked that the domain was available, and made some business cards to go go along with it and keep everything consistant.
Good job. I like the simple design as well. And of course the photo's are good too.
Your webiste is very good and it has a lot of information about the photography.
Great photos! Love the simplistic yet unique design of your website. Less is more! I look forward to seeing more of your work update on the website.
I see you didn't clone out that nylon/plastic/paper/ peace on the grass/foreground in one of your pictures ;)

sorry I had to mention that, because I like that picture and I imidiatelly remembered it :)

good theme, nice and simple
Very nice.. Your product pics are great !!
What is a photogrphic? ;)

There are some things I'd change from a performance and SEO standpoint. but if you care hit me up IN PM.
taking up a lot of real estate with your logo/name... I hate having to scroll down to actually use the site.
arrgh, that little piece of plastic! Ill get rid of it :) ^are you viewing on a phone? When I view on my computer, no scrolling is necessary. Just wondering because I want this to be as streamlined as possible. Is the logo too big? Ill PM you Runnah!
here's what I see:

Hmmmm. Weird. When I see that page its nothing like that. I get the entire image plus the thumbnails underneath. :confused:
Could it be that you are zoomed in on your browser? or is it in fact my website template?

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