New image


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Hull, England
A new image from my last contact sheet

all this time and no comment?

Come on! Please! I'll love it even if you tore into my picture! :x
I like the car outside part....but i find the composition jars a bit in the frame. Theres a little too much of the house on the left and its distracting for me. If you have any editing software i'd do a big crop, and also adjust the contrast etc....theres too much midtone. :thumbup:
i'm having a tough time landing my eyes on something ;) what did you have in mind when you shot it?
Thanks for the comments :)

I guess i could crop most of the house on the left.

When taking the picture i just had the house in mind and eye.

Well here's the improved effort:
dude, that link is the weirdest thing I've seen in a while. I'd like to see some shots of just the car, the house just isn't doing anything for me. this shot looks to me like it was taken in the 50's.


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