New Lense...What do you think?


TPF Noob!
Nov 4, 2006
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For the last few years I've used nothing other then a 50 mm prime 1.8.

Now, I decided to get a new lens. An 85mm 1.8, even though I didn't really need it and took some test shots with it. What do you think?

Settings were manual, f5.6 & shutter 250, WB-Auto


Mike V
They look pretty sharp and the bokeh looks great...nice lens.

What I want to what did you do to that child? Looks like you just said that the Easter Bunny isn't real. :lol: ;)
the pics are very good...the child is kinda spookey
Congratulations. Extraordinary sharpness, though I would have given a thought to 105mm too. Anyhow the baby is just cute. Pass on my greetings to him.
Hi and thanks guys,

These were so darn sharp right out of the camera I didn't even bother with sharpening in ps.

The kid is my daughter and it was the first day we could go out without freezing in about 2 months.

Anyway, When shes doing anything new, she always looks very serious and since she's never been down by the train tracks you can see the results I got.

Thanks again,
Mike V
Mike, these actually look very nice. I'll be curious to see what ILP has to say about them :) Seem a bit different than your usual work... hehe but I like it! One day I shall get the 85mm as well. Finally getting my 50mm next week and then before summer I'd like to get the 30mm... although maybe I should get the 85mm for summer... hmmm...

the 50mm rocks, especially indoors. My style is really starting to come around and be more distingguished recently.

Do you likes these better then most of my other stuff?

Mike V

ps what is your name at ilp? i'll look out for you.
aimlessconversations. I don't post a lot of work because I have trouble finding children to shoot, but that should change a lot. I give a lot of comments on ILP though :) Only really hang out in JSO, cause it moves so fast.

Yeah, I like this better! Haha although it has more the ILP look- and I'm a fan of the ILP look.
Thanks again,

that is the look I'm going for. I appreciate you introducing me to it.

Mike V
They look pretty sharp and the bokeh looks great...nice lens.

What I want to what did you do to that child? Looks like you just said that the Easter Bunny isn't real. :lol: ;)

hahaha you always make me laugh.

Anyhow your daughter is so cute and I like those pictures. I really like the second one! She does look very serious!
I like the photos a lot. Can you discribe your post-processing steps? I like that!
The post processing wasn't much because the lens is so awesome...and the photographer ain't that bad either...LOL

anyway, a quick levels adjustment using the eye dropper to 97 on black and 3 on white, followed by a very gentle s-curve.

Converted to B&W and thats it.

I had the one of her standing made ito a 20x30. It's crisp and sharp as a nail.

Mike V
Good stuff. So which lens do you recommend more, the 50mm or the 85mm?

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