Newbie Needs Camera for Japan


TPF Noob!
May 14, 2007
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I am going on a trip to Japan this New Years and would like to get a new camera. I will mostly be taking pictures of urban areas (Tokyo and Osaka) and various shrines and landscapes.

I am new to photography, but would really like to take some great pictures. I know a camera is only as good as the photographer, but is there any camera that will maximize my abilities and take good shots? Should I get a DSLR or not? Will a DSLR take better pictures in the case of a newbie, or does it require an expert to get its full potential?

Finally, what are some good tips for learning how to take good photographs. I don't have much experience or free time, but I would like to learn photography.

Are these cameras any good?

Canon Digital Rebel XT 8MP Digital SLR Camera
Panasonic Lumix
Canon PowerShot Pro Series S3
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all good camera. it depends on what you are exactly going to be doing with the camera; just for snapshots or developing your skills into a passion. all are good choices, and it doesn't take an expert to use an SLR. If you really want to develop your photography skills and have some extra money, go for the rebel or any other entry level SLR from other companies. But if you just need the camera for regular pics, go for the panasonic or canon S3. Just my opinion. Remember, all of them are good choices.
I can personally recommend the Powershot S3 for someone who hasn't used a DSLR before. It's probably one of the best and easiest 'point and shoot' cameras out there. It's very easy to use, just point and shoot.

Some pics I took with mine.
I have a Nikon D50 now.


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