Nikon or Sigma 1.4 lens?


TPF Noob!
Apr 9, 2008
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Richmond, VA
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Will be used for shooting bands in poorly lit venues.

I'd really like to have between 28-35mm for focal range but the only 1.4 lens that will work in that range is the Sigma 30mm 1.4 ($439)

On the other hand, I like the feeling of knowing I'm shooting a Nikon brand lens...the only thing is that the lowest Nikon 1.4 lens within my price range is the 50mm ($470)

I guess my question is - Am I being too anal about shooting a Nikon lens? Is the Sigma just as capable during heavy use or is it going to crap out on me after a few months?
If its for concerts, I would splurge on the nikon. Most likely it will have better build and sealing. If it were just portrait work I would say you would probably be fine with either but doing concert photography myself, I know how much camera's can get knocked around, bumped into, have water/beer spilled on, and its nice if you happen to have it happen to know that your equipment will still function.
If its for concerts, I would splurge on the nikon. Most likely it will have better build and sealing. If it were just portrait work I would say you would probably be fine with either but doing concert photography myself, I know how much camera's can get knocked around, bumped into, have water/beer spilled on, and its nice if you happen to have it happen to know that your equipment will still function.

good point but the Nikon 28 1.4 is nearly $1700 where the Sigma 30 1.4 is $439 - I'll have insurance on the lens either way and it's not like shooting bands is my sole income. I think I'm going to go for the Sigma.

What lens do you use when you do shows?
If I were you id save some money and get the nikon 50mm 1.8 for 130.00. I shoot bands quite often and just got one and it works great. By the way - the sigma lens probably came from the same factory as the nikon lol.
If I were you id save some money and get the nikon 50mm 1.8 for 130.00. I shoot bands quite often and just got one and it works great. By the way - the sigma lens probably came from the same factory as the nikon lol.

I just sold the 50mm 1.8

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