no pictures, please.


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
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photography hasnt been as much of an interest as photo editing, so me of little knowledge about the camera, would really appreciate some help from you guys?

I just took a client that wants a website for an apartment complex, this is new to me, as i usually work with a designer.

on to my question, what would be optimal conditions to photograph this complex in ?
i.e. empty parking lot? full? time of day? anything would help.

Thanks a lot.
- Jeramy
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sorry if this goes all over the place, father of 4, kinda hard to keep topic of a forum haha

Well welcome i am new as you however i have taken a few course on such subjects and have several books by a great photographer Scott Kelbe (spelling error)

anyhow so if your tring to show the complex so ppl would be intrested you would wanna make it look good so try to fit it, in the frame, for example take a pic and have open space, casue u can always crop it to fit the frame, use a tripod, and learn about iso, and white balace more then likely change that to say.... sunny or cloudy. depends on the weather.
also you may want to use a tripod to get tghe best and most clearest shot, if you do not have a tripod u can use the ground or use ur body and ground urself aginst the wall or something, less camera shake, there is alot you can do, i mean main things u wanna do is change the iso to the lowest setting, go in the afternoon so the sun is at its best point. and take more then one pic, change the exposure etc.... depends on the camera ya have to cause apreutre will have a nice rool sorta... it will make it look better. my best offer to you is if you dont know much research ur camera's features, and if ya still cant find much use an auto setting or an outdor / landscape setting. shouldnt fail
hope that helps a bit again here is a short version they are eating.
learn ISO and White Balance, if ur camera has it, use the aperture settings too, that would be an amazing thing to help ya and take several shots, cause you can always crop them later so do not fill the frame when taking ur shots.
Welcome aboard.
Thanks guys, really. I think they turned out pretty good.

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