OMG got logged back in : ) some C&C please

Eliminate the negative, and suddenly you are awesome.

which is what society has essentially done. no child ever fails at anything anymore. even those that do still get pats on the back and an award of some sort. its a harsh reality when they enter the real world and suddenly people are *gasp* honest, and yet people are surprised that they then are unable to handle the criticism. its really no wonder.

Agreed. Honest critique only comes from those with no personal connection to oneself thus making the internet a valuable source for receiving criticism.
3 is good, the rest are essentially snapshots
I mean no the bumps aren't needed but they are when you ask for C&C and out of 46 views no one leaves a comment.

They look like snapshots.


They definately don't look like snapshots I really really don't like you.

I like the record player, the shack and the dog, in that order.

The 1st and the 2nd comments about your photo are basically the same type. Just tell you they like or dislike your photo without really gave the reasons.

If the comment was negative, you do not like them and not being nice then argue that why other think they are bad. While for the positive comments, you just say thanks. Do you want to find out why they like them?

Well, please face the fact that if the photos are not good, they are not good. Reason why other people did not leave comment ... well, they are not good, but not bad either. Just an ordinarily photos, nothing special about them. People may sometimes call them snapshot.

If you drive a regular stock 4 doors Honda Civic on the street, do you think people will turn their heads and say ... "Wow .. look at that Honda Civic".

No, they will just walk as usual and do not even know your car pass by.

They will look at your car if it is a Lambo or a beat up almost fall apart moving rusty junk.

So next time, when you notice that nobody leave any comment on your photos, it means ....

The photos do not appeal to people. But they are not bad neither. Still need more work. And I also think if you really want serious C&C, post 1 or 2 photos only.





They look like snapshots. here is my reasoning...

1. very boring, the tires are dirty, shadows of something not in the photo.

2. The dog is having fun, but is the viewer? NO. Not wild about the angle and the reflection in the B pillar is distracting

3. Boring again, there is alot of junk there, too much going on, not very sharp.

4. Whats the focal point? Or whats the idea here? does not interest me

5. The contrast between the dark shadows and the washed out white door is over powering, thats my first impression.

So once again, snapshots, loose your childish crybaby attitude! You screwed up and made yourself look like an idiot, you can fix that, but don't expect it to happen overnight, if you are here for photography and not circle jerking around then PROVE IT!!
I really don't see anything in any of the shots that makes me think anything other than 5 snapshots. If I try really hard I can piece together a story of a tornado going through a trailer park circa 1978 for #3.
Dude, if it makes you feel any better...

Bitter was harsh (and still is) on me when I first joined... It pissed me off at first, but then ... I du no what happened, but now I laugh at him ;) I know he's definitely someone to listen to, but I laugh when I see his posts ;)

Hey... I see the swan too!!!

I laughed like a little girl the whole way through this thread.

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