Painting with Light.


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 20, 2005
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Here again I am looking for comments on color, exposure and composition, and anything else you can think of that I am leaving out. This image was captured with a very different technique, which was suggested by a photographer friend of mine. Which I thought I would give it a shot. This is about a thirty second exposure, with the guide turning the lights on and off.

I like the colour. A lot of different tones and no weird colour casts. Considering the conditions it seems fine.

I like the texture and lighting, but I am not sure what you are shooting here.
But what is it? :scratch: Pretty colors on an unidentifiable blob isn't doing much for me. I'm sorry. :( But it just looks like a strangely PS'd thing, meaningless.
Surface of the moon? :)

I actually thought it was the inside of a cave. I do like it, but I'd like to know what it is too.
terri said:
But what is it? :scratch: Pretty colors on an unidentifiable blob isn't doing much for me. I'm sorry. :( But it just looks like a strangely PS'd thing, meaningless.

I'm thinking it's in a cave somewhere. Only because I have been in several of them.
personally i am only partially pleased... as terri said, indeed the colours look artificial. not implying that they are, of course, but it just doesn't feel harmonic. and also the space to the bottom right, that too is little out of place, it causes a bit of messed-up equilibrium...

but of course a nice photo nonetheless.
heheh, i love abstract stuff. This is great. For my money, any picture that makes someone pause, say "what the hell is that?!" spend 20 minutes, they still can't figure it out and they walk away saying "Dunno what it is, but man it looks cool" is DEAD ON. :lmao: :thumbup:


PLEASE tell me what it is! :)
My mistake, this is an underground spring, inside Meramek Caverns.
At first I have no idea what am looking at...I thought it's a cave or something. Nice Shot!

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