Park Bungalow


TPF Noob!
Jun 1, 2008
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I shot these as part of a series in order to make HDRIs from but the center exposures looked better IMO than the HDRIs did. I can post the HDRIs up too if anyone is interested.



Crits and comments always welcome!
- Enjoy!
I'm partial to the first one, The modern buillding in the second is distracting to me.

Personally I see no need to post the HDR versions, I like the center exposure just fine.
I agree with Battou; I think the exposure is fine, but there's something about the perspective of #1 that doesn't sit quite right with me. Ditto the comment about the building in #2.
"doesn't sit straight..." Hehehe I thought the same same thing. Yet when I checked the horizontal (as is recommended for wide) it was dead on.
I don't get it... Maybe my eyes are in crOoked or something??? And actually to me, both of them look slightly off. <shrug>
The EXIF says 0.9mm. :D

I believe I had it backed just hair off of 28mm the lens's widest setting, because I learned that a zoom is at it worst all the way out or all the way in and slightly backing off a cheaper zoom from either 100% extreme is an improved state. So, I guess 29mm or 30mm.
The EXIF says 0.9mm. :D

I believe I had it backed just hair off of 28mm the lens's widest setting, because I learned that a zoom is at it worst all the way out or all the way in and slightly backing off a cheaper zoom from either 100% extreme is an improved state. So, I guess 29mm or 30mm.

That could verry well be it right there. I've read that visable distortion starts around 34/35mm with wide angle lenses, but I don't know anything about modern lenses to know that for sure.
Yeah, every lens is different and every lens has distortion (even the Hubble). But that sounds about right to me too - which is probably why so many zoom designs start at 35mm. ;)

My specific camera has 1.1% barrel distortion at it's widest and 0.5% pincushion distortion at it's longest length. I was firing off 48 of them at once for a video effect I was doing for a TV commercial back when the "bullet-time" effect was a new thing and I could charge allot for it. ;) I had to match-correct the differences between each camera so I measured each one. I long since sold the 47 of them but am going to keep this one as a memento - sentimental guy that I am. :D
Why yes it is. Are you here? Or in Kyoto? How long ya been here and where ya from?

Kewl!!!!! Another gaijin on the photo forum! (assuming you're not Japanese???)
That first is a killer shot Bif! By the way... how close are you to Tokyo? I have a three friends that live there (one I would consider a brother). I plan on seeing them sometime in the next couple of years.
Indeed a gaijin, originally from Illinois. I'm in Kyoto but I visited Nagoya in January. I'm just here for the summer now, doing a research exchange for school. Got here about three weeks ago. There's so much awesome stuff here to photograph, I'm going crazy waiting for a check to arrive so I can afford to order a Rebel XSi. So far it's been two weeks in the mail. :confused:
Indeed a gaijin, originally from Illinois. I'm in Kyoto but I visited Nagoya in January. I'm just here for the summer now, doing a research exchange for school. Got here about three weeks ago. There's so much awesome stuff here to photograph, I'm going crazy waiting for a check to arrive so I can afford to order a Rebel XSi. So far it's been two weeks in the mail. :confused:

Gawd, I guess so... Kyoto is probably the most photogenic and photographed city in the world. It's beautiful there! Summer kinda sucks there. :( Early spring and mid fall are absolutely gorgeous tho and the weather is very fine! There's some nice little nature tails in the hills round there too with a few secret-ish or out-of-the-way temples not trafficked by the masses that are simple other-worldly!
BTW, BB if you do get the opportunity to come here don't pass it by. It's a great experience! And if you make it to Nagoya let's have a beer for sure!!!

You too Mr. Mushi! If you're down around these parts or going to be, don't be shy!

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