pentax K10D or Nikon D40

If it's an older lens, it will only use AF it it specifically says so. Only lenses that are Kaf or Kaf2 have autofocus

(Here's an easier hint - if the lens has 7 or more electrical contacts, it can use AF)

I can't really recommend a lens for you, because you and I probably have different things we want to do. But I'd suggest covering your bases - get something wide and fast, like around 20mm, get something close to human perception, like 50mm, and get a bit of telephoto, like 200mm or above. Get a zoom to cover multiple bases if you don't mind glass that's a tiny bit slower.
On ebay I was browsing the possible lenses I could use on the Pentax, and there are a lot of them! I was looking at the older K/KA mounts. These would AF on the Pentax, right?

Can anyone suggest maybe 1,2, or 3 good lenses that would be worth purchasing for the Pentax?


The 50mm f/1.7 is a great lens that you can find on ebay for usually under $20. From the more modern line, the 50mm f/1.4 AF is an excellent lens. My next purchase will be the 77mm f/1.8 Limited. Anything from their limited line is top quality glass. I also have several Sigma EX lenses that are quite nice for use with my pentax k10d (24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8, 70mm macro). I'd also be interested in the 21 and 40mm limited lenses. I have too much time to surf the internet and too little disposable cash right now though.
I would go with nikon but not a D40, its a bad first camera for beginners. Invest in a D50 or D70 much better with the focusing motor in the body.
The 50mm f/1.7 is a great lens that you can find on ebay for usually under $20. From the more modern line, the 50mm f/1.4 AF is an excellent lens. My next purchase will be the 77mm f/1.8 Limited. Anything from their limited line is top quality glass. I also have several Sigma EX lenses that are quite nice for use with my pentax k10d (24-70 f/2.8, 70-200 f/2.8, 70mm macro). I'd also be interested in the 21 and 40mm limited lenses. I have too much time to surf the internet and too little disposable cash right now though.

you mean this one:
I've been also eyeing the Sony A200, and it looks good. I hope it won't cost too much when it comes out. I also know they have a good line up of minolta lenses via

edit: actually to my surprise, the A200 is already out at only $570 with a 18-70mm. Uh-oh, know another camera has stepped into my field of possibilities :(.

BTW, I won't be buying a camera until the summer, so what kind of price drops are expect around July for the D80, D40, A200, A300, A350, and K10D?

I thought id keep it short. I'd have typed a paragraph otherwise.

If you rallying yourself with certain product and against another product than you need better approach in persuading your customers to buy this instead of that. But here you behave hypocritically by siding with a product which you don't even represent. The language you use to dissuade your "customers" from chosing the other is outrageous, insultive. Believe me I can use that kind of language if I want to, but what is the benefit?

I have Nikon d40, and by right I am representing it albeit without being dogmatic. I have proved and still proving my point with pictures that I have posted so far as the meat of my argument. I even took pictures in the dark morning hendheld to test the camera ability. So whats the d40 weakness is all about by looking at those pictures? I went to the bush and took pictures and I took pictures of small size SD card to test the macro capability of that kit lens to prove my point.

Such an entry market camera with humble kit lens with such price, it should make the onlookers think to own it instead of criticising it I believe.

So critic is always welcome, with healthy attitude.
^do you have any of these shots, I would like to take a look.

^do you have any of these shots, I would like to take a look.


I assume you meant me:), if not don't blame me for it. These 7 pictures total in the below links I have posted. I hope it is not heavy with the bandwidth.
On ebay I was browsing the possible lenses I could use on the Pentax, and there are a lot of them! I was looking at the older K/KA mounts. These would AF on the Pentax, right?

Can anyone suggest maybe 1,2, or 3 good lenses that would be worth purchasing for the Pentax?


Nope... Old Manual K-mounts predate autofocus bodies thus no AF (manual focus). The idea is that the glass is very good for very little money you have lots of choices. You will have to be comfortable with the camera in manual in order to use these lenses. The slight difference is that Pentax-A will allow the camera to stop down to a on camera preselected aperture and Pentax-M lenses require the aperture to be selected via the aperture ring on the lens. The optics are wonderful... and cost very little... a small fraction of the newer AF cousins of today.

Granted... most consumers will just stick to autofocus lenses... Those that want to experiment and learn will not mind (or even want) to purchase old K-mounts.

You can go further back in time (I collect pentax) and use 50s vintage pentax/takumar screwmounts (in full manual) via a K to screwmount adapter. You can have lots of fun experimenting even with the smallest of budgets.

For example, this photo shot with 1960s 50mm w/ bellows unit in screwmount on a DSLR for the "shallow depth of field" thread in the assignments sub-forum:

To accomplish the same "experiment" in my Canon EOS would require me to invest several times more $$$ into a macro that can better 1:1.

Here are some K-mounts that I enjoy.

28mm f2.8
50mm f1.7
85mm f2
100mm Macro (I use it for portraits)
Tamron Adaptall 90mm macro
last but not least...

the wonderful street shooter 40mm f2.8 Pancake (seen here attached to my LX):

The selection is wide as the K-mounts have been around for decades. Its neat shooting a lens and camera that were made almost 50 years apart.

woohoo... just won a excellent example of a 300mm f/3.5 Takumar screwmount for just around $75 bucks including shipping on ebay. How much is a 300mm fast prime in other newer AF lenses?

btw.. one of the features that sets the K10D apart for the other cameras is that they still used a PENTAPRISM in the viewfinder. This equates to a higher quality (brighter) viewfinder that makes it easier to manually focus those K-mounts and screwmounts. What a wonderful feature to include!
so does that mean any lens described as a K-mount will not AF?

Plain old K-mount lenses won't autofocus. Neither will KA-mount. But both can be used on Pentax digital SLRs (by manually focusing them).
If you rallying yourself with certain product and against another product than you need better approach in persuading your customers to buy this instead of that. But here you behave hypocritically by siding with a product which you don't even represent. The language you use to dissuade your "customers" from chosing the other is outrageous, insultive. Believe me I can use that kind of language if I want to, but what is the benefit?

I have Nikon d40, and by right I am representing it albeit without being dogmatic. I have proved and still proving my point with pictures that I have posted so far as the meat of my argument. I even took pictures in the dark morning hendheld to test the camera ability. So whats the d40 weakness is all about by looking at those pictures? I went to the bush and took pictures and I took pictures of small size SD card to test the macro capability of that kit lens to prove my point.

Such an entry market camera with humble kit lens with such price, it should make the onlookers think to own it instead of criticising it I believe.

So critic is always welcome, with healthy attitude.

First of all, there isnt any "customer" here.
Its my opinion, a person reading would read all posts not just my posts.

I didnt know that someone would find it offensive if typed for the Pentax.

Let me make it clear here, i typed for pentax, but i didn't in any way say talk against the D40 or criticised or spoke against it. IMO the Pentax would be a touch better coz of the certian extra things on it compared to the D40, The quality of the output is good too, with the pentax.

As fr not using the pentax, im sure that you havent used that pentax either, If one gets good out of one cam doesnt mean that another brand's cam is capable enough of that, Nikon isnt the only good brand around.

Most of my family pics from the late 80's to 2005 are from a film Asahai pentax slr, we have been so happy with that we didn't feel like upgrading until the digital cams came about.
Pentax makes a good cams. Also, its been around for long and doesn't look like its not going be around later.
In another post I said the same about the G9 where the guy compared it to a 350D. to keep it short.
I'd do it again. No offense to anyone though.

I'm not into the canon or Nikon brand following, though I prefer a one for some things and the other for certain things.
I find brand preaching very dogmatic.
I am still not set on either the K10D or the D40, and have now stumbled upon the A200. How do you feel about the A200?

Also, what kind of price drops are expect around July for the D80, D40, A200, A300, A350, and K10D?

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