Pick My New Tagline!

What's My Tagline?

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  • Poll closed .
I object to this poll because my ideas were not included.
Well, me, Derrel,
robbins.photo , and
symplybarb have formed what we call the Triple Alliance of Nomenclature Assignment (TAN-ass for short!)...who would like to join us in TAN-ass???
Derrel, I guess the whole concept of a secret society just flew right past you there... lol
I object to this poll because my ideas were not included.

I know. I really wanted to include one of yours, but I couldn't because…well, because I didn't really like any of them. :lmao:

Well I just thought of another one, "Hurter of Feelings".
I object to this poll because my ideas were not included.

I know. I really wanted to include one of yours, but I couldn't because…well, because I didn't really like any of them. :lmao:

So see, there you go. If your ideas hadn't sucked.. bam.. you'd have been right at the top of the list. So really kind of the opposite of how government works I guess.. lol
I totally had to vote for my suggested tag line to make a tie with bacon!
So...thanks to my caffeine-deprived offhand remark, and some, err, "gracious" help from Overread, HERE, I somehow agreed to let TPF choose a new tagline to go under my avatar. Even though I'm a supporting member, I've never changed it from "TPF Junkie," because I could never be bothered to think of anything sufficiently clever.

Funny thing is, I've since come up with a couple of things I'll probably use at some point, but for now, I've agreed to let you all pick, so here we go!

I've selected eight taglines from the ones that were suggested. Whichever one gets the most votes will become my new tagline for at least the next month.

I guess I'll need a deadline, so let's pick something completely arbitrary--Wednesday, July 30 at 11:42 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Or something close to it. :D

Please note: My area is being inundated at the moment with Tornado Warnings alarms, thunder storms, torrential rains, lightning, hailstorms and the occasional threat of the Apocalypse. My power has flickered several times already as I type this.
So, if you don't see a poll, it's because:
1. I'm still working on it. Hold your horses, would you? I'll get to it in a minute.
2. My power is out and the poll will have to wait.
3. The storm has finally scared me bad enough to send me scurrying for cover. Might be gone for a few minutes, might be tomorrow morning before I stop cowering.
4. The Apocalypse actually happened. Don't bother coming back to look for the poll. :lmao:

You're also welcome to continue making suggestions--I won't add them to the poll, but if there's one I really like, I might use it later!

(And no, "Where's The Bacon" wasn't suggested in the other thread, but every poll must have a bacon option!)

Oh, I forgot to mention--the poll options didn't include the ability to set a specific day and time to end the voting (a matter that needs to changed, PRONTO, because all people should have the ability, nay, the RIGHT, to end a poll at 11:42 if they so choose!) so I set it for three days instead. That means you have a little more time, until 9:15 p.m. EST tonight--when I get home from choir practice, I shall be changing my old, boring, stock tagline to the new and exciting--or at least new--one voted on by my faithful following! :lol:

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