Portrait composition


TPF Noob!
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
Toroto, ON
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
do you guys "chop" head? If you know what i mean....lol :p

do you always make sure the entire "head" of the subject is inside the frame.....or you dont mind cutting a bit off the top or the side?......what are your thoughts?

people always complain i cut their upper head in my photos.....:p
It depends on who the client is. I probably wouldn't do it for someone looking for a traditional portrait. If it's something a bit more edgy, or possibly for an ad, then you have different constraints.

i hate you matt >_< (how come your pics are so nice....teach me teach me....lol :p)

Matt....how do you get nice skin tone.....what is the trick?
Honestly, I just eyeball my skin tones, based on experience. Lighting has an awful lot to do with it. This was lit with just one softbox to the left.
Having perfect skin helps too I imagine.
Photoshop can help with this too. It's helpful on days when you're feeling blue (at least for me) to edit pictures of myself.

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