Portrait With A Twist


TPF Noob!
Apr 1, 2008
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Gilberts IL
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Canon 30D
Canon 430EX on the right and one on the left.
Softbox up above
Hollywood Film Clapper
Creative, I like it. Although normally I would say to avoid the blown out areas, I kind of like them as they seem to fit the photo. I wish the actual eyes were just a bit brighter, though.
Yeah, I agree with dab_20, to a point. I mean, I am actually a fan of blown out photos, but that's just my personal style. But, she's right on the money with the eyes being too dark, in my opinion. And she's also right about it being creative. In fact, I'd just say dab_20 is right and I'm basically just repeating what she said. Haha. But yes, this is a very fresh take on the traditional portrait, and for that, I applaud you. It's tough to develop new ideas, and you've done well. Good stuff!
This could be a behind the scenes of the latest James Bond film, and this is the marker for the scene where the Bond Girl looks at him seductively, right before betraying him!

Well, that's what this photo makes me think. Very nice.

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