Post your gamertags!


TPF Noob!
Dec 26, 2006
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Bay Area, California
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Post your gamertags, (Xbox live) and play with fellow photographers online!

My gamertag: s4cr4ment0 (My main game is cod4)
My "gamertag" is NightHawk, but you won't be finding me on XBox.

Realistic sim racing is the only thing for me..... - "Live for Speed, the online racing simulator. LFS S2 is a serious racing simulator. No arcade modes, no steering help. YOU have to do the driving." Not developed and released for the masses or for the easy money. Three person developing team working because they want to develop the best and most realistic racing sim available rather than release minor feature updates every year for more money in the pocket.

you'll find me on there often, playing halo3, crackdown, gears, lost planet...soon to be getting GTA4 COD4 and RSV2.
Cool. You know, as soon as you get COD4, you'll see that Halo3 is so crappy..I once was a Halo fan... :lol:
Mine is mongrelkoi. I play everything just about on Friday nights. Unfortunately I suck at them all too. Not bad at RSV though.

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